10 Components of Complete Fitness

CrossFit workouts train your body in all 10 of these components of complete fitness:
Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance- The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen.
Stamina- The ability of the body to process, store, deliver, and utilize energy.
Strength- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force.
Flexibility- The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint.
Power- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time.
Speed- The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
Agility- The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another.
Coordination- The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
Balance- The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base.
Accuracy- The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

WODs for the week...

Well, no Murph on Monday. Instead, since the 2 guys I am working out with right now are new to Crossfit, we decided to do the "Hell Week" WODs from the Muscle and Fitness article. 1 I wanted to get a base of where these guys were and what they were comfortable with, and 2 I have never done the "basline" WOD, and though it would be cool to push these guys and work up to ending the week with Fran and Murph! So...Monday June 16

Warmup: 3 rnds...5 Pulls/10 Push ups/ 15 Squats

500m Row
40 Squats
30 Situps
20 Pushups
10 Pullups

3:40...which I guess falls into the Advanced group.

This WOD was easy, but I should have went faster. We did Turkish Get ups after, which I just learned and love. Much harder then you might think. Anyway, I used 40# and just did 5 reps each side to get use to it. Way too much weight...

Tuesday June 17th

Warmup: 500m Row

400m Run
21 55# KB Swings
12 Pull ups

Well, I'm no OPT! Lol, and the track is jacked up here...it's 9.9 laps around the outside for a mile and 10.2 on the inside. WTF? Anyway, we figured about 2.5 on the outside was 400m, but if we finished the .5 we would be at the far end of the gym and have to run/walk/crawl that .5 back to the pull up bar and kbs...so...we started on the far end of the track and ended on the near, making it probably about 350m...sucks, but whatever...so with a blistering time of 7:49! I finished, it hurt, but I feel cheated, adn when I get to the Unit, I will measure out 400m and do Helen again...

After we did more Turkish Getups...This time I used 30# and did 3 sets of 5 reps each side. Feels awesome for my shoulders, which I tend to have a little trouble with. My buddies like them too, lol, not really, but they do them becasue, slowly but surely they are starting to believe that Crossfit can transform you into a monster in the gym. Then I showed them a little kipping pull up tech. and a lite overhead squat tech.

Wednesday June 18th

After spending all day! Way too long, driving around the "Aci" region of Sicily, looking for housing and feeling exhausted, we chilled for an hour at the pool, re-focusing (bronzing)LOL. Then hit the gym for the 3rd day of "Hell Week".

Warmup: 3 rnds 5 pulls/10 push ups/ 10 squats

4 Rounds
400m Run
50 Squats


This is a pretty easy WOD, well kinda, it really taxes the legs though, and after a day of no water and walking up and down stairs and hills, it hurts! Finished with a 1000m Row and 5 reps each side 30# Turkish Getups...then 21 kipping Pulls as I was walking out of the gym...preperation for Fran!

Rest day tomorrow, and I know my legs need it! Then we end the week with a Dead WOD, then Fran and Murph to round it out! Should be fun...

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