10 Components of Complete Fitness

CrossFit workouts train your body in all 10 of these components of complete fitness:
Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance- The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen.
Stamina- The ability of the body to process, store, deliver, and utilize energy.
Strength- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force.
Flexibility- The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint.
Power- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time.
Speed- The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
Agility- The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another.
Coordination- The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
Balance- The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base.
Accuracy- The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week in Review...

Tuesday was another rest day for working out. We took 2 days this week because our sceduale tuesday went way late. Wednesday was a great day though. decided to do more of a strength/core block for this week. it went as follows.

Wednesday June 25th.

Warmup: 500m row

WOD: Lynne...
5 Rounds
Body Weight Bench (185#)
Max reps of each...we did not rest between bench and pulls.

Rnd 1: BWB...22/Pulls...30
Rnd 2: 15/27
Rnd 3: 11/22
Rnd 4: 13/25
Rnd 5: 11/22

The first set was a new PR for me in this WOD. Last time I did it I did 18/23 for my first set, so it was a huge improvement! Very taxing WOD though, even though it is not timed. I was sore for days...

Thursday June 26th.

Warmup: 500m row

5 Rounds
25 Kettle Bell Swings (55#)
25 Back Extensions
25 Situps (used incline, no Glute Ham Machine)
25 Knees to Elbows

27:15! This WOD was a smoker! God, I really did not think it would be sooo hard. My buddy Nick wanted to "work abs" and I found this WOD and trust me, it really, really worked abs! I'm still sore today! I am going to definetly make this a part of my routine, but will be using the GHD for the extentions and situps whenever I can. Killer midline stabilization WOD!

Friday June 27th.

Warmup: 500m Row 3rnds 5 pulls/10 pushups/15 squats
Cooldown: 5 Turkish getups (eachside) 30#/1000m row
"Ulysses" (given by Nick after the workout)
135# Thrusters
225# Deadlifts

10:23. Every second of it was a grueling struggle to move the heavy weight as fast as possible and still keep control without totally "bonking"! I love doing timed WODs with heavy weight every once in awhile to remind myself I am totally human, and have so much more strength/muscle endurence combination training to work on and develope. Most of the WODs don't go really heavy, but when they do, they are killer. We are in the process of developing a few and naming them after Greek and Roman mythological Gods or people, seeing whe are in the area around which most of this thought was developed...they should be some fun ones, hope everyone tries them!

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