Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
10 Components of Complete Fitness
CrossFit workouts train your body in all 10 of these components of complete fitness: Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance- The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen. Stamina- The ability of the body to process, store, deliver, and utilize energy. Strength- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force. Flexibility- The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint. Power- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time. Speed- The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement. Agility- The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another. Coordination- The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement. Balance- The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base. Accuracy- The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.
I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious.
Here is the email I received after my "catch up" post. I kinda feel like an ass because I did not mention Sarah at all. I must say, for a "newbie" to CF with only a month or so of training at Derby CF in Louisville, KY, she came out to Sicily and KILLED IT! There was some technique adjustment, lots of sweat, and a little bit of me yelling for motivation, but all in all she was awesome! Here you go babe, your 10 seconds of fame! Enjoy. :)
Oh Thanks! After my three weeks of CF with you I get ZERO credit on your BLOG... huh! After all my hard work... wearing the kit that about killed me! sprints... in the blazing HOT sun... doing squats even with a sore hip flexor burpees out the ass even the reverse! with No bitching embracing the suck attitude! Did I mention having to endure your coaching and pushing... ;) and not even a supporting actor award! WTF... :) LOL!!! I want my OSCAR!!! GIVE ME!!!
Did I not push you enough not to even get a mention or a credit whatsoever (i would have taken 7 point font) LOL! If you wanna talk about the "Dark SIDE" oh we can go there!! LOL!
I am laughing as I write this... but honestly I do deserve some CF LOVE!!! COME ON BABY!!!
But... YOU just "fueled my fire" to fuck you up.... (LOL) in a WOD next time we meet! HA HA
So, my posting has been non-existant for about a month now. I have my workouts, and lack of them (due to traveling/vacation?and wisdom tooth extraction) all written down, but I think I'm going to start with Sept. and kinda skip Aug. 1 it will be way too long of a post and 2, not all that much went on in. Aug. I'll high light the good parts though...
2nd: "JT" 10:30 9th: DL PR 425# 10th: Bench 245x3 11th: Squats 305# (tied PR) 24th: "Cindy" 20 + 5 (I posted this to prove everyone has bad days, first time ever below 25!!!)
I said in my last post I was going to talk about the "dark side" of fitness, but for th elife of me I can't remember what the hell I was going to talk about...If it comes to me I will post it.
Due to the lack of internet service, and traveling, I have not had time to post in August yet, but I will be doing an update post soon...I few more PRs to report and a look at the "Dark side" of fitness...more to come...
July 23rd WOD "DT" Five rounds for time of: 155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps 155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps 155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps 14:36...3 min improvement
July 24th WOD "Lynne" Five rounds for max reps of: Body weight bench press Pull-ups
Used 190#, and strict pull ups. 18/15 13/16 11/12 9/11 10/11
July 25th WOD AMRAP 20 mins: 10 Wall Ball 10 Straight leg Ab mat 10 Straight leg dead litfs (45#) 17 Full+15 reps then... 5 rnds 5 20ft rope slams 1 rope climb 10 box jumps 5:32
July 26th Rest Day
July 27th WOD 30 Wall Ball 300m Row 30 Box Jumps 30 KB Swings (1.5 pood) 30 DB Press (25#) 30 Dead Lift (225#) 7:47
July 28th WOD 19 Squat cleans (155#) 38 Feet to bar 38 Box jump 19 Thrusters (135#) 8 Muscle ups 38 Burpees 20 Double unders 75 steps Walking lung with 35# plate over head 39:43...felt really light headed and like i was going to black out, it was weird. First time that has ever happen, low blood sugar maybe... July 29th Rest Day
July 30th WOD Squats 3-225# 3-225# 3-245# 3-265# 3-265# 1-285# 1-295# PR 1-305# PR First time over 300# on a "real" below 90 squat!
Warm up: 4 Rounds Barbell Complex (85, 95, 105, 115) HAM - Hip Mobility Drill
(1) Work up to 1 Rep Max Squat Clean + Push Press 165#/185#/200#/205#/210#/215# (missed press)
(2) 5 Rounds 2x Squat Clean + Push Press @ 85% of your 1 Rep Max (used 175#) 5x Shoulder Scarecrow
(3) 5 Rounds 6x Bench Press (Increase Load each round until 6x is hard, but doable) 185#/205#/225#x3 205#x3/205#/205# Rope Climb SAM - Shoulder Mobility Drill
(4) 5 Rounds 16x Walking Lunge Steps (8x each leg) holding 20kg kettlebells or 45# dumbbells (Used 50# DBs) 8x Jumping lunges each leg 10x Weighted Sit up @ 45#
June 30th 1000m Row 4:16
6 Rnds 400m Run 50 Step-ups (20" Box/20# vest)
1000m Row 4:24
July 1st Rest Day
July 2nd Rest Day
July 3rd Military Athlete << 2009-07-03 >>
Obj: Work Capacity
Warm up: 250 Stepups @ 40#
(1) 5 Rounds for Time Run 400m 10x Mr. Spectacular @ 16kg Rope Climb
(2) 6 Rounds 5x Pull ups @ 25# 10x Back Extensions holding 45# dumbbell 10x Weighted Situp @ 65# 60 second ab bridge complex
July 4th Rest Day
July 5th Shoulder Press Warm up 3x135/155/155/165/165
KB Complex x 2 L Sits Ab Complex Hollow Rocks 20/20/15/10 KTE 10/10/10/10
July 6th-July 10th
On July 6th 2009, we lost one of our teammates, Tony M. Randolph. I took time off to grieve, and escort Tony's body onto a plane to return him to his loved ones.. Love you bro, keep an eye out for me, and I'll see you someday...
July 11th KB Complex L Sits 5 min step-ups (20# vest) 50 Air Squats
July 12th Perimeter Trail Run 16:14 (~2 miles) Previous time 17:30 Military Athlete << 2009-07-10 >>
The CrossFit Games are coming up fast. The stage has been set and the competitors have battled it out in regional qualifiers around the world. The 77 men who will be vying for the "Fittest Man on the Planet" title get to take an inside look at each other before the competition. The athlete profiles are being posted and now CrossFit is doing something that could be a little nerve racking. The are taking specific lifts and WODs (most of the common ones) and ranking each person based on their best times and lifts.
I figured I would get in on the action, as I'm sure alot of us who either didn't have the opportunity to go to a qualifier or did not qualify, are doing. I have looked at the standings for these amazing athletes and counted out were I fall. Here are my results for the first 6 postings of ranking...
Fran: 43rd (3:27) Clean & Jerk: 26th (210#) Cindy: 3rd (32 rounds) Dead Lift: 35th (405#) Helen: 39th (8:30) Snatch: NA (never attempted for a PR)
That's an average ranking of 29th place so far overall. Of course that is not including the snatch, seeing as I have never attempted this lift for weight.
All and all, I would say I'm not doing too bad...Unfortunately, due to current military obligations, I did not have a chance to go to a qualifier, nor will I be around for the Games in a couple of weeks. I am still training hard, and I am going to attempt to qualify for next years games, as long as I will be around. In the mean time, I am going to keep training hard, reading what I can, and preparing myself for the each and every day at hand...
2 of the "fittest" people in the Stan. Guaranteed!!!
I'm having a problem "sticking" from below 90 to about 80 degrees. I think I need to engage my posterior chain more. I'm going to do some squat research...
June 11th CrossFit Main Site WOD
AMRAP 20 mins Hang Clean x 15 (115#) Ring Dip x 12 Sit Up x 21
7 full + 13 reps
June 12th Rest Day
June 13th Rest Day
June 14th Rest Day
June 15th Military Athlete WIDGET ENVY
Obj: Stamina
(1) 400 yards "Rob Shauls" @ 65# (38:42)
(2) 5 Rounds 8x Pull Ups 20x GHD Situps
June 16th Rest Day
June 17th Rocky Mtn Reg. WOD #1
3 Rnds Deads x 8 (315#) 400m Run
Ab Section of Mil. Athlete June 17th 5 Rounds 10x Ankles to Bar 10x Back Extension 5x Sandbag half moons @ 45# 10x Weighted Situp @ 45#
Use 20 pound medicine ball launched to a target ten feet above the ground.
June 19th CrossFit Main Site WOD
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: Handstand push-ups 5 reps Bench press 135 pounds, 10 reps Push press 95 pounds, 15 reps Dips 20 reps
5 Rnds
June 20th Rest Day
June 21st Rest Day
June 22nd Rest Day
June 23rd Self-Program
10 Rnds 5 Pull Ups 10 Burpees 15 Lunges (20# ea)
5 min. Set-ups
Ab Complex 3 Rnds 5 incline weighted sit ups (45#) 10 incline sit ups 10 Half Moons (25#) 10 Slashers (45#)
Hu*mil"i*ty\, n.; pl. Humilities. [OE. humilite, OF. humilit['e], humelit['e], F. humilit['e], fr. L. humiliatis. See Humble.] 1. The state or quality of being humble; freedom from pride and arrogance; lowliness of mind; a modest estimate of one's own worth; a sense of one's own unworthiness through imperfection and sinfulness; self-abasement; humbleness
1hum·ble Pronunciation: \ˈhÉ™m-bÉ™l also chiefly Southern ˈəm-\ Function: adjective
1: not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive 2: reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission ~a humble apology~ 3 a: ranking low in a hierarchy or scale
I just received the CrossFit movie, "Every Second Counts." This is a must watch for anyone who is into fitness. Especially fitness on an intense level. It shows a behind the scenes look at 5 athletes in their preparation for the 2008 Games. It is a very emotional, educational, and motivational movie.
So, you are probably wondering why I started this blog with the definition on "humility" and "humble"? There are a few reasons for this...the first being, watching OPT in this movie shows me how humble someone can be with the most amazing amount of intensity maybe ever seen. Second, I have finally gotten to a point in my life where my "attitude" has taken a back set and I can honestly say the arrogance I use to have is subsiding. I wouldn't say it is gone, per say, but I think you need a little bit of arrogance to survive. CrossFit itself "teaches" a slight arrogant attitude in that you are always competing against yourself and others, but at the same time it humbles you. And I'm not really talking about it kicking your ass and putting you in your place, but that helps.
Find yourself, remember where you come from, understand that no matter how much of an attitude you have, humility is the key. Use your arrogance to motivate you when it is needed, if it is needed. Find your humility and use that to help, and teach others.
June 1st Military Athlete SPEARMINT
Obj: Work Capacity
Warm up: 3 Rounds 10x Goblet Squats @ 20kg 15x Swings @ 20kg 30/5/30 Sean Special (30 sec side bridge, 5 pushups, 30 sec side bridge)
(1) 5 Rounds 8x Front Squat @ 115# 2 min step up, unweighted 30 sec. rest
(2) 5 Rounds 8x Power Clean @ 115 Run 400m 30 sec. rest
June 2nd Military Athlete YOU FUCKIN' DISAPPOINT ME
Warmed up with a 2k Row: 7:33...Last 2K was in 8:27...Huge improvement, and I have not rowed since Feb. 22nd. It's obvious my over-all work capacity has increased even without sport specific training.
"Culling" Wikipedia: Culling is the process of removing animals from a group based on specific criteria. This is done in order to either reinforce certain desirable characteristics or to remove certain undesirable characteristics from the group.
Dictionary: cull |kÉ™l| verb [ trans. ] (usu. be culled) select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources : anecdotes culled from Greek and Roman history. • reduce the population of (a wild animal) by selective slaughter : he sees culling deer as a necessity | [as n. ] ( culling) kangaroo culling. • send (an inferior or surplus animal on a farm) to be slaughtered. • poetic/literary pick (flowers or fruit) : [as adj. ] ( culled) fresh culled daffodils. noun a selective slaughter of wild animals. • [usu. as adj. ] an inferior or surplus livestock animal selected for killing : a cull cow.
The process of "culling" seems like a horrible and crude process, but is very realistic in life. Maybe not to the extreme of slaughtering animals, but definitely in the "weeding" out process of such things as athletics. Take for example, Wikipedia's version: "the process of removing animals from a group based on specific criteria." Is that not what is going on at the CrossFit Qualifiers? In the Olympic trials, or any playoff situation leading to the championship game?
Every day we "athletes" in this "sport of fitness" that has become CrossFit (or Military athlete, or whatever program you may follow) attack our workouts with a vigor not seen in normal everyday activities, and maybe not even seen in professional sports! We do this to become better, more fit, fast, stronger, more powerful, and less likely (when the time comes for a competition) to be "culled".
For some it's just an attempt to be better then they were yesterday, for others (like us military types on the front lines) it is an attempt to increase our over-all fitness and work capacity in order to hopefully (barring a huge mishap) extend our lifeline. The winds of adversity blow everyday, whether it be in our next workout, or our next mission, but the better prepared we are physically, mentally, and emotionally, the less likely we are to be "culled" out.
Whatever it might be you are faced with, attack it. CrossFit has taught me to go balls out, even when shit hurts really bad, find a way to finish, because in the end, pushing yourself to the limit won't kill you. I might just give you the edge you need to continue on, in a workout, a qualifying heat, or in life...
"Adversity is like a flame; it melts the weak, but tempers the strong." ~Thorin~ (Title quote by Thorin also)
May 27th
Obj: Work Capacity
Warm up: 10 minute Sandbag get up @ 80# or Turkish Getup @ 25#
(1) 5 Rounds (Time-ave...1:19 ea) 300m Shuttle every 2 min 30 seconds
May 28th CFMS WOD Thrusters 1-155 1-165 1-175 1-185 1-195 1-185 1-190 Could have done more here but had no rack, so power cleaning the weight every time got to me a little.
Obj: Strength
Warm up:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3--2-1 Squat Jump Bench Press @ 115# Romanian Dead Lift @ 20kg Kettle bell
(1) 8 Rounds (Clean weight-135/145/150/155/160/165/170/175) 3x Squat Clean (increase load each round until 3x is hard, but doable) 30 second plank walk up Frog Stretch
After this 4 day stint of training I decided (after waking up on the 30th sore) that 2 days of rest were needed. Push yourself as hard as you can, but make sure you are giving your body proper rest. Listen your what your body needs, sometimes it's more advantageous to take an extra rest day and come back super hard! Be smart about your training.
In the desert I saw a creature, naked, bestial, who, squatting upon the ground, Held his heart in his hands, And ate of it. I said, "Is it good, friend?" "It is bitter -- bitter," he answered; "But I like it Because it is bitter, And because it is my heart."
Stephen Crane, The Black Riders
Fri. May 22nd Military Athlete Workout THE ECLIPSE
Obj: Strength Maintenance
Warm up: 5 Rounds Mini Leg Blaster SAM - Shoulder Mobility Drill
1x Mini Leg Blaster = 10x air squats 10x in-place-lunges (5x each leg) 10x jumping lunges (5x each leg) 5x squat jumps
(1) 8 Rounds (Weight Used...70/75/80/85/90/95/100/105) 3x "The Exercise" (increase weight each round until 3x is hard, but doable) 30m Sled Push, 8x jingle jangles, or 8x standing broad jumps HUG - Hip Mobility Drill
(2) 8 Rounds ( Weight Used...225/275/300/320/345/345/365/380PR) 3x Dead Lift (increase weight each round until 3x is hard, but doable) 5x Kettlebell Floor Press @ 2x 24kg kettlebells 3x Shoulder Scare Crow
Sat. May 23rd CrossFit Ne Qual WOD 1 AMRAP 12 mins 5x135# Thruster 10xBurpee
7 Full+7 Burpee...Legs were absolutely fried from the day before...
Sun. May 24th CrossFit NE Qual WOD 3 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 155# Power Clean Chest to Bar Pull Ups 1.5 pood KB Swing
16:07...really shitty, but with the heat, dry air, and the last 2 days of training I was dead tired! Can't wait for sea level again!
Mon. May 25th Rest Day (TGIRD)
Tues. May 26th "Barbara"
Five rounds, each for time of: 20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round. 1-3:35 2-3:29 3-3:36 4-3:48 5-3:55 Total-18:13
When the path is dark, follow your heart. Give all you have...bleed what you love!
The Greeks and Persians arrived at the battlefield at roughly the same time. The Persian king sent his spies forward and found out exactly how small the Greek force was. He sent an emissary to negotiate surrender. The terms offered amounted to the Greeks being able to retire unmolested back to their homes in return for laying down their arms.
The response from the hopelessly outnumbered Spartan leader was recorded by the scholar Herodotus. The response was simple, "Molon Lebe" translated to "Come and Get them."
I have decided to change pace a little and mix in some Militaryathlete.com workouts...They seem to be a little more extended then CrossFit WODs, but maybe not quite as intense since you kinda need to pace yourself a little or you will get way burned out before you finish. They are a good mixture for this climate to build the essential muscle endurance and lung capacity needed to function at higher altitude. Check it out and work it in a few days a week...
May 15th Military Athlete May 13th Workout ENERAL MCCARTHUR
Obj: Strength/Work Capacity
Warm Up: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 "The Exercise" @ 45# SAM - Shoulder Mobility Exercise
First round = 10x "The Exercise", then SAM Second round = 9x "The Exercise," then SAM, etc
(1) 6 Rounds (Used Chuck's weight) 8x Dead Lift @ body weight, then immediately (225#) 8x Broad Jumps 30 seconds rest
(2) 6 Rounds 5x Bench Press @ 85% body weight (185# BW) 5x Clapping push up 30 seconds rest
(3) 6 Rounds 5x Front Squats @ 85% body weight (155#) 5x Squat Jumps 30 seconds rest
(4) 6 Rounds 5x Push Press @ 75% body weight (135#x3 115#x3) 5x Whip Smash with a fast rope, or 5x strict pull ups, fast as possible but don't kip 30 seconds rest
May 16th Military Athlete May 14th Workout
Obj: Work Capacity
Warm up: 5 Rounds 20m Overhead Lunge Walk holding 12kg 10x Alligator push up 5x Pull ups
(1) 4 Rounds 300m Shuttle every 2:30 (averaged about 1:50)
********* Rest 5 minutes ************
(2) 10 Rounds (Finished with 99 total Burpees) 30 seconds burpees 30 seconds rest
(3) 3 Rounds 90 second ab bridge complex (30 sec. side, 30 sec. front, 30 sec. other side) HAM - Hip Mobility Drill
May 17th Diane 5:30...No lunch and on a call for 6.5 hours...no excuses though...
May 18th Rest Day
May19th 3 Rnds
5x Clean & Jerk (155#) 10x Box Jump 15x KB Swing (1.5 pood) 6:17 2 Mile Run in PM. 16:37 May 20th Military Athlete May 19th Workout PUSHING. SHOVING.
Have you "torn yourself down today"? So that you can come back stronger each time you do! In order to "self-improve", one must first be content with destroying oneself. Tear down your walls of belief of physical fitness...and build up something Indestructible!
indestructible |ˌindiˈstrəktəbəl| adjective not able to be destroyed
Mon. May 4th AMRAP 10 Wall Ball 10 Box Jumps 10 Dead Lift (205#) 10 Burpees
7 Rnds+3 Reps...This was from the Canada West Quals, WOD 1 "Every Rep Counts", and good enough to get 14th place for the WOD. Not awesome, but not bad...It was a really hot day, although that is not an excuse...
May 5th & 6th were unscheduled Rest Days followed by a Main Site Rest Day on May 7th. Needed to recharge a little, and work got busy.
Fri May 8th Grace 3:49...New PR by 1 sec...but this was at altitude, not sea level.
Sat. May 9th 4x800 1-2:51 2-2:52 3-2:52 4-2:50
Sun May 10th Back Squat 5-225 5-230 5-240 5-245 5-250 Max Reps of 135# 50 Reps
Mon. May 11th Rest Day
Tues. May 12th Power Clean 155# Working sets 185# x 1 Bad Form, dropped back down, should still pretty sore
Wed. May 13th Great Basin Reg. Qual WOD 2 5 Rnds 7 DL (275#) 30 Air Squats 7 HSPU
7:38...Good enough for 4th among the times for this WOD...
Thurs. May 14th Unscheduled Rest Day
"Prescribing thirty minute bouts of monostructural cardio (bike, run, swim, row, elliptical walker, etc.) in the hopes of maximizing fitness for a fight of five rounds of five minutes each is the epitome of incompetence."
Incompetence From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Incompetence is the inability to perform; lack of competence; ineptitude. "
If you don't keep score, you are just hurting yourself. Record, Record, Record...even if you aren't trying to beat anyone, you should try to beat yourself every time you go out and train! Trust me, if you do this, you will get stronger, faster, and better at what ever you are willing accomplish!
"Training for a fight by running twenty minutes everyday makes perfect sense if you plan on running away from your opponent and know you will be getting a ten minute headstart."
The longest I have run here is about 2 miles...and the only thing it has done for me is given me knee pain and ankle pain. As for the adaption to the altitude and the dry heat, the running as done nothing to help overcome that. You know what has...here's a shocker...CrossFit!
I will admit, I have never been much of a runner, and probably never will be, but CrossFit has given me the lungs to be able to run whatever distance I want...Of course I have never ran a marathon (I have ran a 1/2 though) and, don't ever really desire too, but hey, I'm sure I could!
April 25th Rest Day
April 26th Perimeter run about 2 miles. 17:30 Lynn
Bench Press (185#) 17 15 12 10 10
Pull Ups 25 17 20 20 22
April 27th MS WOD 5 Rnds 21 SDHP (95#) 21 Ring Dips 15:40
April 28th Should Press 1-135 1-145 1-155 1-165 1-175 1-180 (Fail) 1-180
April 29th Rest Day
April 30th Elizabeth
Squat Cleans (135#) Ring Dips 10:38
2 mins faster the the last time in Jan. in VA Beach.
We're designed to be hunters and we're in a society of shopping. There's nothing to kill anymore, there's nothing to fight, nothing to overcome, nothing to explore. In that societal emasculation this everyman is created. ~David Fincher, director of Fight Club, interview with Gavin Smith
What have we become? Do a favor to yourself, Kill some CrossFit WODs!!! Fight for more weight, faster times, and better health. Overcome the things in life that you physically thought you never could! Explore everything!
Everyday you train, do it like it is your last WOD ever...Trust me, in the end, you will thank me for it! Then, if you do well, go out and buy yourslef sometihng nice, like a Zone friendly dessert!
We had a few visitors here at work. The Ambassadors of Hollywood came into town, so we took them to the range to shoot for some excitement! Pics to come later...
CrossFit Time!
April 19th Kettlebell Complex
April 20th Squats 3-225 3-245 3-265 3-265 3-270
Ab Complex 3 Rnds 20 Ab Mat 20 Hollow Rocks 10 KTE (rock climbing grip) 15 sec L sit on Rings
April 21st Rest Day April 22nd 5 Rnds 5 Dead Lift (225#) 10 Burpees 5 Ring Dips
April 23rd 5 Rnds Max reps for 1 min. at each station, then 1 min rest=1 rnd. Like FGB but with 3 stations...
Push Press (75#) Tire Flip/Jump Through (flip tire, jump into then out of, repeat) Ring Pull ups
April 11th Main Site WOD 3 Rnds 500m Row (subbed SDHP 50-45#) 21 Burpees 400m Run 17:40
April 12th MS WOD 30 Muscle Ups 11:37
April 14th MS WOD "DT" 5 Rnds (155#) 12 DL 9 Power Clean (didn't do Hang PC) 6 Push Jerk 17:31
April 16th MS WOD AMRAP 20 mins "Danny" 30 Box Jumps 20 Push Press (115#) 30 Pull Ups (subbed 15 Ring Pull Ups) 3 Full + 5 Pulls
April 17th Kettlebell Complex Warm up Dead Lift 3-285 3-315 3-315 5-335 3-315
Bench Press 5-225 5-225 5-225
April 18th Aussie Qual WOD 1 3 Rnds 10 Clean/Jerk (135#) 15 Ring Dip 20 KB Swing (24K) 10:49
My New Battle, my struggle, my inner and outer fight is now to become more then I ever thought I could be. I am in a situation where altitude is kicking my ass. Every workout, my lungs burn, my muscles gasp for O2, I feel like I'm going hypoxic! Since the decline of my eating and hairy training schedule I have taken a few steps back in my training, but this opportunity, if I choose to take advantage of it, will make me stronger, faster, more powerful in the end. This altitude, the struggle to overcome the lack of O2 my body has grown accustom to over the last 31 years, this will be my New Battle. This will lead me to push myself like I never have before, and in the end will pay huge dividends to the overall athletic ability I am in search of!
See Jeremy Thiel's Warrior or Wannabe Post from Tuesday April 14th... I quote "Do you train or live with all of your heart mind and body..... with PASSION?"
Well, I took about a week off since my last workout. Part of it was to just relax a little and part of it was time, like I had said. Anyway, we have been trapped in the southern middle east en route to our final destination, so it was about time to get some working out done.
Tues. Mar. 29th Lynn 5 Rounds Max Body Weight Bench Max Pull Ups
Bench 185# 15/11/10/9/9 Pull Ups 28/23/19/19/18
Mon. Mar. 30 Lay around in Airport for 12 hours.
Tues. Mar 31st Squat 5-185 5-225 5-245 5-255 2-265 then dropper to 3-245
Dead Lift 5-225 5-270 5-315 5-315 5-270
Can't wait to get to our final destination to get the CrossFit gym set up so I don't have to workout in gay Air Force gym and have the little Aitman stare at us...Keep up the biceps curls boys! lol...
I am not necessarily a "religious" man per say, but I would call myself a "spiritual" person. On the eve of my first deployment I would like to post a prayer that has been written in many languages; Greek, Latin, and English to name a few, and has very deep meaning to me...So deep in fact that the first 2 lines are tattooed on my arm along with an image of St. Michael...
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
To all the men and women who are in harms way right now, I pray you all come home safe to your loved ones and get to enjoy a humble life. To all of my fallen brothers and sisters in battle, and those that may fall in the future...go with peace, strength, love, honor, and courage. Know that you have done a great deed sacrificing your life for our nation and that you will never be forgotten in the hearts of all...Be Strong.
I have been very busy with pre-deployment stuff and have not had time to blog let alone workout or eat right. So here is what I figured out.
1) If you stop Zoning for about 10 days you might put on about 10 lbs and feel like absolute crap! I "took a break" from the zone before heading out the door to enjoy some of the things I use to really love. For instance, peanut butter pie, cadbury eggs, and bread/pasta. Although this was fun, it has really set me back in my nutrition and training. I feel pretty crappy and have grown weaker and fatter!
2) If you stop a 3 on 1 off schedule and don't do any strength training you might gain 10 lbs and feel like crap! Along with not zoning I have not had the time (really bad excuse) to keep with my workout schedule. This has caused me to lose the edge. When we get settled in in country I should be able to get back to it. We brought 2 sets of bumper, 3 med balls, various kettlebells, 3 barbells, and various pull up attachments.
3) If you get 3 infectious diseases put into your body in 1 day you are going to feel like crap for awhile.
4) All of this can be fixed so that you don't gain 10 lbs and feel like crap very simply. Embrace the SUCK and just keep plugging away. No matter wheat the schedule, the time, the place, be prepared to go all out whenever you are able too. Train like you fight and never ever quit!
Tomorrow I leave for deployment so there might be less and less blogging in the near future. Although I will have a an internet connection not sure how much time I will have to keep up with it. If there is anyone out there who actually reads this, I apologize ahead of time, but I will still be killin it as much as I can and you should too!
"And I heard as it were the noise of thunder One of the four beasts saying come and see and I saw And behold a white horse"...
This is CrossFit! We come around like thunder, and people come and watch and they behold the power and are hooked!!!
Sun. Mar. 8th Rest Day
Mon. Mar. 9th 5 mile ruck run in the am with ~55#
WOD Complete as many rounds as you can in twenty minutes of: 5 Handstand Push-ups 10 L Pull-ups 15 Steps, Walking Lunge
14 full + 1 HSPU
Then... CFSB Dead Lifts 3-315 3-315 Working sets 3-225 2-225 3-225
Metcon went very well, felt good, awesome ROM on all movements. Nose to ground and full lockout on HSPU, and have bruises on my knees from the lunges! Deads on the other hand, not good. Hammies were really really tight, just worked on form.
Tues. Mar. 10th Rest Day...
used today as a rest day instead of doing the total cause I have been doing the CrossFit Strength Bias along with Main Site WODs and have no need right now to know my 1RM.
Wed. Mar. 11th WOD Complete as many rounds as you can in thirty minutes of: Five pull-ups Five ring dips 15 Sit-ups
33 Full + 4 pull ups
This WOD was pretty killer, my hands are sore and my abs were killing me by like round 5! I did sit ups un-anchored and did chest to knees ROM as to not "cheat" and do crunches. Didn't break up any sets till around 30, then had to break rings dips a little...
Thurs. Mar. 12th Rest Day
...Whoever is unjust let him be unjust still Whoever is righteous let him be righteous still Whoever is filthy let him be filthy still Listen to the words long written down When the man comes around
Watch, as I combine all the juice from the mind Heel up, reel up, bring it back, come rewind Powerful impact BOOM! from the cannon Not braggin, try to read my mind just imagine Vo-cab-u-lary's necessary When diggin into my library
I'm going to rewind, and come back with a powerful BOOM!
I must apologize to myself (cause I'm pretty sure no one else reads this or even cares for that matter)for the last few weeks. We have been extremely busy at work, like 13-15 hour days of drilling and getting our team ready. Some of this has been PT in the am, and not all of that PT has been bad. I have not however been following the main site WODs and have not continued with my "strength bias" WODs that I started.
Here is the thing...I am not very good at doing the "group/team" PT sessions that we do at work, even if they are CrossFit "style" workouts. I am a "ME" person when it comes to working out. I like to follow a "routine" (like the main site) and not deviate from that too much in order to log my progress and be able to compare myself to myself (I sound like Austin Powers) and others that post. When we do Ruck runs, group CrossFit "style" circuits, or various other workouts, I get "out of the grove". Put that together with not being able to workout at all for around 5-6 days and I am ALL JACKED UP!!!
I feel like crap (in context, still better then most "normal people I'm sure), I have not made any progress, I have nothing "real" to log, and now it will take at least a week to get back into the "grove" again. Not to mention, I do NOT have the discipline at this point to sustain a strict diet on this type of schedule. I am currently watching a CrossFit video on Chastity Slone and here dieting, and now I feel like a failure for not being able to be strict. Anyway, on a side not, no one can be perfect all the time, and I think realizing that, and being able to get back on track is very important...
So, with that said, here is the deal. It's time to start over, rewind a few weeks, or maybe a few months, forgive myself, but not forget this "major" F-up in training and eating and get my ass back on track!!!
I took my "Cheat" time and now it's time to get back to work. I will still have to be on a slightly modified schedule (we did "Fat Cindy" today, with 20# vest on) and Monday is suppose to be a "rest day" for the Main Site, but I will be training with the team, but other then that it's back to 3 days on 1 day off, and the strength bias integrated into it all.
O, and Chuck, if you read all of this, I'm just kidding man, well, kinda...F those ruck runs, they SUCK!!!!
The title for this blog came from the book/movie "Fight Club", seemingly about the struggles of breaking free from this mediocracy, sheep mentality of a life most people have become accustom too...Here is what I have to say about that S@%T!!!
DO Something About It!!!! CROSSFIT
I have come full circle in my CrossFit thinking. I'll admit, in the beginning it was all about me. My times, My weights, My performance...and don't get me wrong, it has everything to do with making ME better. I have come to realize though, that by making myself better, I will be more capable of making OTHERS better.
CrossFit, initially starts out as a performance enhancing functional fitness program. I hate to use the word program, as it's much more of a community of determined people who are willing to make themselves better one step at a time. Anyway, when people look at CrossFit from the outside in, they see this "crazy", really hard workout thing that will kill them and is way too hard for most people to do.
It is totally not like that. I have been to a number of CrossFit Boxes and in every one of them there are a few guys who are awesome athletes and kill the WOD and bring huge amounts of intensity to the Box. Although, what I have noticed is that there are actually more mom's, wives, older men/women, corporate people, kids, and even elderly (over 70) then there are athletes. This community is the most amazing community when it comes to catering to EVERYONE!
I have seen, read, and listened to more "confessions" from CrossFitters about losing weight (lots of weight), feeling more healthy, or getting their 1st pull up! This community is made up of individuals who are go getting, no holds barred, committed, kick ass people who really love life.
It is not just a "fitness program" that a Globo Gym tries to rip you off with. CrossFit is a lifestyle of bettering oneself physically, mentally, and emotionally. It starts with the physical WOD and probably you as a big glob of crap on the ground after. Then the next WOD, then all of the sudden you feel yourself getting strong, see the results on the scale, and notice how much better you feel emotionally.
CrossFit is not a weight loss program. It's not psychologist session. It's not a "weight lifting program". CrossFit is a (by definition) constantly varied combination of functional movements, performed at high intensity across broad time and modal domains. We specify in not specifying in general all inclusive fitness...That's the version that most people don't really understand in the beginning...
CrossFit, however, is also and weight loss program, a fun place to "workout", a better health/better emotional felling place, a goal getting, WOD killing, mac loving, burpee doing, bloody hand getting, amazing community of people. CrossFit is soo many more things, and to each individual, possibly something different.
CrossFit starts out as something most people are afraid of and only "elite" athletes can do. If that's what you think, then you are totally wrong, and should look more deeply into this community.
I have drank the Koolade and people have even gone as far as to say I bathe in it, or that I am obsessed with it. And I'd suffice to say they are pretty much correct in that, by way of CrossFit I have become a better, stronger, healthier person and am on a quest to make others see and feel what I have. We have been called a "movement" or a "cult" by those in the fitness industry that don't understand how to make people better people, and only want to make a quick buck on fade fitness programs or machines.
I am here to say, this is a movement, and my be semi-cultish, and that we are here, as a whole, to not make a quick buck, but to, in the words of Coach Glassman, "not be satisfied with anything less then total domination of the fitness industry." While this quest goes forward so do the number of people out there who get strong, lose weight, feel more heathy, and even some who will become "elite" athletes.
But, as I hope you either understand, or will come to understand, CrossFit is not just a "Fire Breathing", kill yourself, balls to the wall workout scheme that only athletic people can do. This thing, this community of astonishing people is something that everyone can do in some way shape or form. It has something to offer (not just physical) to everyone, not matter your background or goals. It is not something to be "afraid" to try, and I know more and more people will come to see that and understand what WE (CrossFit) is about above and beyond the WOD.
I myself will continue to forge a new me, and transform myself into the best overall fitness monster that I can, who is knowledgeable in this "movement", not to try and scare none athletic individuals away, but to make them see and know that I will do anything to help them improve their lives and well being through this thing we call CrossFit...
Wed. Feb. 18th WOD With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
19 Rnds
Thurs. Feb 19th WOD 50 Ring Dips 400m Run 50 Push ups 400m Run 50 HSPU 400m Run
29:38...HSPU Suck!
Fri. Feb. 20th Rest Day
Sat. Feb 21st WOD "Joshie"
CFSB Front Squat 5-135 5-175 5-200 PR
should have started heavier, but till a PR, never done 3x5 before...
I also have been toying with the idea of more strength work. With that said, Jeff Martin's article "Strong Medicine" (http://journal.crossfit.com/2009/02/crossfit-strength-bias.tpl) couldn't have had better timing. I am going to do a modified CFSB routine for the next 6 weeks at least. I am going to follow their program for back squats, deads, front squats, and presses, but will mix in some split jerks, and jerks, and some cleans also. I am going to try a formate more like 2 heavy sessions in each 3 day period, and maybe 1 if I'm felling crappy. It will look something like this
Week 1
Day 1: Main site WOD + Back squats (5x3) Day 2: MSWOD + Deads (5x3) Day 3:MSWOD Day 4: Rest Day 5: MSWOD + Front Squats (3x5) Day 6: MSWOD + Presses (3x5) Day 7 Rest
Week 2
Day 1: MSWOD + Back Squats (5x3) Day 2: MSWOD + Deads (5x3) Day 3:MSWOD Day 4: Rest Day 5: MSWOD + Cleans (3x5) Day 6: MSWOD + Split Jerks (3x5) Day 7 Rest
Week 3
Day 1: MSWOD + Back Squats (3x5) Day 2: MSWOD + Deads (3x5) Day 3:MSWOD Day 4: Rest Day 5: MSWOD + Front Squats (5x3) Day 6: MSWOD + Presses (5x3) Day 7 Rest
Week 4
Day 1: MSWOD + Back Squats (3x5) Day 2: MSWOD + Deads (3x5) Day 3:MSWOD Day 4: Rest Day 5: MSWOD + Cleans (5x3) Day 6: MSWOD + Split Jerks (5x3) Day 7 Rest
All WODs will be proceeded by the Burgner Warm up and finished with a gymnastics/skill development...
After a 4 week preiod I will evaluate my #s and go from there. Chances are I will do at least 2 more weeks to make it a 6 week cycle. The goal here is to become stronger overall, but at the same time stay steady on the Main Site WODs and my overall general fitness as a whole. With the proper nutrition (Zone, although maybe modified) and enough recovery this prgram should develop better overall strength while still increasing an overall general fitness level.
16 KB Swings (55#) 16 Inverted Burpees 16 DB Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (40#) 16 DB Front Squats (40#) 16 Pull Ups
45:10...Well, This was one of the WODs I was just not ready for! Granted a few of these movements are slower movements, but this WOD killed me. I'm not sure what was up, although my nutrition hasn't been the best and due to training my schedule has been sparse, but those are no excuse. Coach speaks of "general fitness" and being "constantly varied". These 2 statements are the reason I am very upset about this one...everyone has a bad day though...stash this one away and move on...
Mon. Feb 9th WOD Cindy (YMCA) 27 + 10 push ups
This felt a lot better, but Cindy has always been one of my better ones. Still can't reach that 31+ that I hit awhile back...I'll get 32 or 33 though.
Tues. Feb. 10th WOD Dead Lifts
1-315 1-335 1-340 1-340 1-335 1-345 1-350
Scaled this one back a little. Worked a lot more on form and training Eric.
Wed. Feb. 11th Rest Day
Thurs. Feb. 12th WOD (Albany CrossFit)
750m Row 21 KB Swings (55#) 21 Pull ups
500m Row 15 KB Swings 15 Pull ups
250 m Row 9 KB Swings 9 Pull ups
9:32...This one went pretty well. I had a better time then everyone at Albany CrossFit, but I wonder how Kahlipa, OPT, Speal, and guys like that would do.
I was talking with one of the guys there and telling him how I believe the NE Region is the weakest region for qualifying for the games, and that a guy like him or me on the right day could easily get in. At the same time though, we would have no shot at winning the Games in 09. The NE is weak yes making the dream a possibility for guys like us, but the reality is, there is sooo much more training (physically and mentally) to be done before being able to compete with the "Fire breathers". Can you tell who has more stamina, better form, and gets the faster time?
Fri. Feb. 13th Travel Day...Rest
Sat. Feb. 14th Arrival day back to Sicily, slept all day. Rest.
Sun. Feb 15th WOD
3 Rnds 500m Row 21 Burpees 400m Run
16:56...Did this one at the local gym, used a treadmill for the runs. Felt pretty good, a little weak in the lungs. OPT did it in 14 and change, as was expected, and I might have been under 16 out on a track. The treadmill takes abotu 20 secs to speed up.
Mon. Feb. 16th Rest Day
Still jet lagged a little. Didn't wake up till 1pm. Decided to take the day off so that I can get back on the Main Site tomorrow.
Welcome the the local Globo Gym in Utica NY! LOL...as you can see these people are really killin it!!! I had to spend the last week CrossFitting here and getting stared at by a bunch of people who basically walked around and chatted with each other.
On Monday my brother Grant(finally got him to Drink the Koolaid, and he is addicted) went in to do a dead lift WOD. As we were working out and being extremly critical on form and keeping our lumbar curve "locked" into place we looked around. What did we see? A bunch of retarded Globo Gymers wasting there time! These people seriously think a 2 inch ROM on bench press with 315# for 3 reps is a workout!!! Its so annoying!
And then some kid with a college football shirt on was doing squats...well, they weren't squats actually I'm not sure what they were. I really wish I had a pic. He had 225# on the bar, high bar squat position, and then he wrapped elastic bands around the ends of the bar that were attached to 100# dumb bells on the ground. I'm guessing these were for extra resistence. So far, I'm ok with this, although I'd rather see a low bar position. Anyway, here is where it gets interesting! He put a box under where his ass would squat too, but then he put a piece of foam on the box. ??? Hmm, now what? Umm, well, I guess it was so he could sit down on while he was doing his squats...as he lowered the weight he actually sat on the box (which was above parallel) like he was resting for a few seconds and then would stand up! LOL, I just looked at my brother and laughed (out loud) and shook my head. I really had no clue WTF was going on...There was so much more I could rant about but I'm sure we all understand where I'm coming from. These people are mice and have no clue what they are doing. I put the blame on the trainers here. No one even realizes these people are not doing themsleves any good, and that is why the same people for the last 10 years have made no gains, have gotten fatter, and have not gotten any stronger! I wish I could shut the place sown and free everyone of these people from the lies they are living! Somone needs to hook up a Koolaid fire hydrant outside and hose this whole place down!!!!
The pics that follow are from the website of this gym...they really look like they are motivated, and really working hard! I love the last one of the weight room...Globo Gymers, does this look firmiliar? GET A LIFE! LOL
Sun. Jan 25th-Fri Jan 30th Team Training...Rest Days
Sat Jan 31st
For time: 25 Walking lunge steps 20 Pull-ups 50 Box jumps 20 Double-unders 25 Ring dips 20 Knees to elbows 30 Kettlebell swings 1.5 pood 30 GHD Sit-ups 25 Back extensions 20 Slam balls 20 pound ball 30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 3 Rope climb ascents
17:30...Thanks to Thomi for a great WOD that I was sore from for like 4 days!!!
Sun Feb 1st Rest Day, Flew to NY
Mon Feb 2nd
Deads 1-315 1-335 1-355 1-355 1-360 1-365 1-370
Felt Good to finally go heavy on Deads again...Still losing a little lumbar curve with the heavier weight. I need to strengthen my mid line more in order to "lock" in and hold the weight...until this happens I'm afraid I won't be up in the 400 range...
Tues Feb 3rd
Back Squat 5-225 5-225 5-235 5-225 5-225
no bumpers plates so I chose to stay a little lighter so that I would have to drop the weight at Globo Gym Utica and get kicked out...
Wed. Feb 4th
Five rounds for time of: 2 pood Kettlebell swings, 25 reps 25 GHD Sit-ups 25 Back Extensions 25 Knees to Elbows
around 35 mins...forgot my watch so kept time on the wall clock...I was just talking about strengthening mid-line...lol, well, I got my wish! Although this killed my mid-line more then anything, and it was also a killer leg workout too. I felt mortal on this one, as I have on most of them lately. I think the few weeks of only getting 2-3 WODs in has definitely hurt me. This was an OPT type WOD and it showed, since he killed it in 27:12...He is an animal!
No Bumpers again, so again went a little lighter as to not have to drop the weight and cause a CAT A situation in Globo Gym! Felt a little burned out and weak though. Presses were definitely weaker then usual, Push Presses weren't too bad but my shoulders were fried. Push Jerk was very very light for me. I stuck with a working weight and still had trouble locking out in the right timing sequence...shoulders were donzo!