10 Components of Complete Fitness

CrossFit workouts train your body in all 10 of these components of complete fitness:
Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance- The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen.
Stamina- The ability of the body to process, store, deliver, and utilize energy.
Strength- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force.
Flexibility- The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint.
Power- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time.
Speed- The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
Agility- The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another.
Coordination- The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
Balance- The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base.
Accuracy- The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Train like a Spartan Warrior!

The Greeks and Persians arrived at the battlefield at roughly the same time. The Persian king sent his spies forward and found out exactly how small the Greek force was. He sent an emissary to negotiate surrender. The terms offered amounted to the Greeks being able to retire unmolested back to their homes in return for laying down their arms.

The response from the hopelessly outnumbered Spartan leader was recorded by the scholar Herodotus. The response was simple, "Molon Lebe" translated to "Come and Get them."

I have decided to change pace a little and mix in some Militaryathlete.com workouts...They seem to be a little more extended then CrossFit WODs, but maybe not quite as intense since you kinda need to pace yourself a little or you will get way burned out before you finish. They are a good mixture for this climate to build the essential muscle endurance and lung capacity needed to function at higher altitude. Check it out and work it in a few days a week...

May 15th
Military Athlete May 13th Workout

Obj: Strength/Work Capacity

Warm Up: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
"The Exercise" @ 45#
SAM - Shoulder Mobility Exercise

First round = 10x "The Exercise", then SAM
Second round = 9x "The Exercise," then SAM, etc


(1) 6 Rounds (Used Chuck's weight)
8x Dead Lift @ body weight, then immediately (225#)
8x Broad Jumps
30 seconds rest

(2) 6 Rounds
5x Bench Press @ 85% body weight (185# BW)
5x Clapping push up
30 seconds rest

(3) 6 Rounds
5x Front Squats @ 85% body weight (155#)
5x Squat Jumps
30 seconds rest

(4) 6 Rounds
5x Push Press @ 75% body weight (135#x3 115#x3)
5x Whip Smash with a fast rope, or 5x strict pull ups, fast as possible but don't kip
30 seconds rest

May 16th
Military Athlete May 14th Workout


Obj: Work Capacity

Warm up: 5 Rounds
20m Overhead Lunge Walk holding 12kg
10x Alligator push up
5x Pull ups


(1) 4 Rounds
300m Shuttle every 2:30 (averaged about 1:50)

********* Rest 5 minutes ************

(2) 10 Rounds (Finished with 99 total Burpees)
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds rest

(3) 3 Rounds
90 second ab bridge complex (30 sec. side, 30 sec. front, 30 sec. other side)
HAM - Hip Mobility Drill

May 17th
5:30...No lunch and on a call for 6.5 hours...no excuses though...

May 18th
Rest Day

3 Rnds

5x Clean & Jerk (155#)
10x Box Jump
15x KB Swing (1.5 pood)
2 Mile Run in PM. 16:37
May 20th
Military Athlete May 19th Workout

Obj: Work Capacity - Extended

Warm up: 10 minute Sandbag Getup @ 80#


(1) 15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Thrusters @ 95#
GHD Situps
Slasher to Halos @ 16kg (each direction)

1st Round = 15x Thrusters, 15x GHD Situps, 30x Slasher-to-Halo (15x each dir.)

(2) 6 Rounds
10x Box Jumps
10x Dips
5x Pull ups (Strict)
30m Tire Drag or 8x Jingle Jangles (Did JJs)

May 21st
Rest Day

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