10 Components of Complete Fitness

CrossFit workouts train your body in all 10 of these components of complete fitness:
Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance- The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen.
Stamina- The ability of the body to process, store, deliver, and utilize energy.
Strength- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force.
Flexibility- The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint.
Power- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time.
Speed- The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
Agility- The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another.
Coordination- The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
Balance- The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base.
Accuracy- The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.


Sunday, May 31, 2009

The winds of adversity are merely the breath of past warriors culling the weak from the strong!

Culling is the process of removing animals from a group based on specific criteria. This is done in order to either reinforce certain desirable characteristics or to remove certain undesirable characteristics from the group.

cull |kəl|
verb [ trans. ] (usu. be culled)
select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources : anecdotes culled from Greek and Roman history.
• reduce the population of (a wild animal) by selective slaughter : he sees culling deer as a necessity | [as n. ] ( culling) kangaroo culling.
• send (an inferior or surplus animal on a farm) to be slaughtered.
• poetic/literary pick (flowers or fruit) : [as adj. ] ( culled) fresh culled daffodils.
a selective slaughter of wild animals.
• [usu. as adj. ] an inferior or surplus livestock animal selected for killing : a cull cow.

The process of "culling" seems like a horrible and crude process, but is very realistic in life. Maybe not to the extreme of slaughtering animals, but definitely in the "weeding" out process of such things as athletics. Take for example, Wikipedia's version: "the process of removing animals from a group based on specific criteria." Is that not what is going on at the CrossFit Qualifiers? In the Olympic trials, or any playoff situation leading to the championship game?

Every day we "athletes" in this "sport of fitness" that has become CrossFit (or Military athlete, or whatever program you may follow) attack our workouts with a vigor not seen in normal everyday activities, and maybe not even seen in professional sports! We do this to become better, more fit, fast, stronger, more powerful, and less likely (when the time comes for a competition) to be "culled".

For some it's just an attempt to be better then they were yesterday, for others (like us military types on the front lines) it is an attempt to increase our over-all fitness and work capacity in order to hopefully (barring a huge mishap) extend our lifeline. The winds of adversity blow everyday, whether it be in our next workout, or our next mission, but the better prepared we are physically, mentally, and emotionally, the less likely we are to be "culled" out.

Whatever it might be you are faced with, attack it. CrossFit has taught me to go balls out, even when shit hurts really bad, find a way to finish, because in the end, pushing yourself to the limit won't kill you. I might just give you the edge you need to continue on, in a workout, a qualifying heat, or in life...

"Adversity is like a flame; it melts the weak, but tempers the strong." ~Thorin~ (Title quote by Thorin also)

May 27th


Obj: Work Capacity

Warm up: 10 minute Sandbag get up @ 80# or Turkish Getup @ 25#


(1) 5 Rounds (Time-ave...1:19 ea)
300m Shuttle every 2 min 30 seconds

***** Rest 5 Minutes *****

(2) 13 Rounds (Burpees-11/11/11/10/10/10/10/10/10/9/9/9/10)
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds rest

(3) 5 Rounds
10x Weighted Situp # 45#
10x Russian Twist @ 25# (20x total)
10x Back Extension
HUG - Hip Mobility Drill

May 28th
Could have done more here but had no rack, so power cleaning the weight every time got to me a little.

May 29th

Obj: Strength

Warm up:

Squat Jump
Bench Press @ 115#
Romanian Dead Lift @ 20kg Kettle bell


(1) 8 Rounds (Clean weight-135/145/150/155/160/165/170/175)
3x Squat Clean (increase load each round until 3x is hard, but doable)
30 second plank walk up
Frog Stretch

(2) 6 Rounds
Sandbag Double Eagle @ 80# Sandbag or 8x Goblet Squats @ 24kg + 6x Jingle Jangle
5x Weighted Pull ups @ 15#
10x Weighted Dips @ 15#
5x Shoulder Dislocates

May 30th
Rest Day

May 31st
Rest Day

After this 4 day stint of training I decided (after waking up on the 30th sore) that 2 days of rest were needed. Push yourself as hard as you can, but make sure you are giving your body proper rest. Listen your what your body needs, sometimes it's more advantageous to take an extra rest day and come back super hard! Be smart about your training.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How much of your heart are you willing to give?

In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter -- bitter," he answered;
"But I like it
Because it is bitter,
And because it is my heart."

Stephen Crane, The Black Riders

Fri. May 22nd
Military Athlete Workout

Obj: Strength Maintenance

Warm up: 5 Rounds
Mini Leg Blaster
SAM - Shoulder Mobility Drill

1x Mini Leg Blaster =
10x air squats
10x in-place-lunges (5x each leg)
10x jumping lunges (5x each leg)
5x squat jumps


(1) 8 Rounds (Weight Used...70/75/80/85/90/95/100/105)
3x "The Exercise" (increase weight each round until 3x is hard, but doable)
30m Sled Push, 8x jingle jangles, or 8x standing broad jumps
HUG - Hip Mobility Drill

(2) 8 Rounds ( Weight Used...225/275/300/320/345/345/365/380PR)
3x Dead Lift (increase weight each round until 3x is hard, but doable)
5x Kettlebell Floor Press @ 2x 24kg kettlebells
3x Shoulder Scare Crow

Sat. May 23rd
CrossFit Ne Qual WOD 1
AMRAP 12 mins
5x135# Thruster

7 Full+7 Burpee...Legs were absolutely fried from the day before...

Sun. May 24th
CrossFit NE Qual WOD 3
155# Power Clean
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
1.5 pood KB Swing

16:07...really shitty, but with the heat, dry air, and the last 2 days of training I was dead tired! Can't wait for sea level again!

Mon. May 25th
Rest Day (TGIRD)

Tues. May 26th

Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

When the path is dark, follow your heart. Give all you have...bleed what you love!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Train like a Spartan Warrior!

The Greeks and Persians arrived at the battlefield at roughly the same time. The Persian king sent his spies forward and found out exactly how small the Greek force was. He sent an emissary to negotiate surrender. The terms offered amounted to the Greeks being able to retire unmolested back to their homes in return for laying down their arms.

The response from the hopelessly outnumbered Spartan leader was recorded by the scholar Herodotus. The response was simple, "Molon Lebe" translated to "Come and Get them."

I have decided to change pace a little and mix in some Militaryathlete.com workouts...They seem to be a little more extended then CrossFit WODs, but maybe not quite as intense since you kinda need to pace yourself a little or you will get way burned out before you finish. They are a good mixture for this climate to build the essential muscle endurance and lung capacity needed to function at higher altitude. Check it out and work it in a few days a week...

May 15th
Military Athlete May 13th Workout

Obj: Strength/Work Capacity

Warm Up: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
"The Exercise" @ 45#
SAM - Shoulder Mobility Exercise

First round = 10x "The Exercise", then SAM
Second round = 9x "The Exercise," then SAM, etc


(1) 6 Rounds (Used Chuck's weight)
8x Dead Lift @ body weight, then immediately (225#)
8x Broad Jumps
30 seconds rest

(2) 6 Rounds
5x Bench Press @ 85% body weight (185# BW)
5x Clapping push up
30 seconds rest

(3) 6 Rounds
5x Front Squats @ 85% body weight (155#)
5x Squat Jumps
30 seconds rest

(4) 6 Rounds
5x Push Press @ 75% body weight (135#x3 115#x3)
5x Whip Smash with a fast rope, or 5x strict pull ups, fast as possible but don't kip
30 seconds rest

May 16th
Military Athlete May 14th Workout


Obj: Work Capacity

Warm up: 5 Rounds
20m Overhead Lunge Walk holding 12kg
10x Alligator push up
5x Pull ups


(1) 4 Rounds
300m Shuttle every 2:30 (averaged about 1:50)

********* Rest 5 minutes ************

(2) 10 Rounds (Finished with 99 total Burpees)
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds rest

(3) 3 Rounds
90 second ab bridge complex (30 sec. side, 30 sec. front, 30 sec. other side)
HAM - Hip Mobility Drill

May 17th
5:30...No lunch and on a call for 6.5 hours...no excuses though...

May 18th
Rest Day

3 Rnds

5x Clean & Jerk (155#)
10x Box Jump
15x KB Swing (1.5 pood)
2 Mile Run in PM. 16:37
May 20th
Military Athlete May 19th Workout

Obj: Work Capacity - Extended

Warm up: 10 minute Sandbag Getup @ 80#


(1) 15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Thrusters @ 95#
GHD Situps
Slasher to Halos @ 16kg (each direction)

1st Round = 15x Thrusters, 15x GHD Situps, 30x Slasher-to-Halo (15x each dir.)

(2) 6 Rounds
10x Box Jumps
10x Dips
5x Pull ups (Strict)
30m Tire Drag or 8x Jingle Jangles (Did JJs)

May 21st
Rest Day

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Maybe self-improvement isn't the answer.... Maybe self-destruction is the answer. ~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 6~

Have you "torn yourself down today"? So that you can come back stronger each time you do! In order to "self-improve", one must first be content with destroying oneself. Tear down your walls of belief of physical fitness...and build up something Indestructible!

indestructible |ˌindiˈstrəktəbəl|
not able to be destroyed

No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide. ~Fight Club~

Mon. May 4th
10 Wall Ball
10 Box Jumps
10 Dead Lift (205#)
10 Burpees

7 Rnds+3 Reps...This was from the Canada West Quals, WOD 1 "Every Rep Counts", and good enough to get 14th place for the WOD. Not awesome, but not bad...It was a really hot day, although that is not an excuse...

May 5th & 6th were unscheduled Rest Days followed by a Main Site Rest Day on May 7th. Needed to recharge a little, and work got busy.

Fri May 8th
3:49...New PR by 1 sec...but this was at altitude, not sea level.

Sat. May 9th

Sun May 10th
Back Squat
Max Reps of 135# 50 Reps

Mon. May 11th
Rest Day

Tues. May 12th
Power Clean
155# Working sets
185# x 1 Bad Form, dropped back down, should still pretty sore

Wed. May 13th
Great Basin Reg. Qual WOD 2
5 Rnds
7 DL (275#)
30 Air Squats

7:38...Good enough for 4th among the times for this WOD...

Thurs. May 14th
Unscheduled Rest Day

"Prescribing thirty minute bouts of monostructural cardio (bike, run, swim, row, elliptical walker, etc.) in the hopes of maximizing fitness for a fight of five rounds of five minutes each is the epitome of incompetence."

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Incompetence is the inability to perform; lack of competence; ineptitude. "

Saturday, May 2, 2009

"First, second, third, dead f-in' last." (on the motivating properties of keeping score)

If you don't keep score, you are just hurting yourself. Record, Record, Record...even if you aren't trying to beat anyone, you should try to beat yourself every time you go out and train! Trust me, if you do this, you will get stronger, faster, and better at what ever you are willing accomplish!

"Training for a fight by running twenty minutes everyday makes perfect sense if you plan on running away from your opponent and know you will be getting a ten minute headstart."

The longest I have run here is about 2 miles...and the only thing it has done for me is given me knee pain and ankle pain. As for the adaption to the altitude and the dry heat, the running as done nothing to help overcome that. You know what has...here's a shocker...CrossFit!

I will admit, I have never been much of a runner, and probably never will be, but CrossFit has given me the lungs to be able to run whatever distance I want...Of course I have never ran a marathon (I have ran a 1/2 though) and, don't ever really desire too, but hey, I'm sure I could!

April 25th
Rest Day

April 26th
Perimeter run about 2 miles. 17:30

Bench Press (185#)

Pull Ups

April 27th
5 Rnds
21 SDHP (95#)
21 Ring Dips

April 28th
Should Press
1-180 (Fail)

April 29th
Rest Day

April 30th

Squat Cleans (135#)
Ring Dips

2 mins faster the the last time in Jan. in VA Beach.

May 1st
Tabata Something Else
Total: 398

May 2nd
Perimeter about 2 Mile Run

Skinny "Hanson"
3 Rnds
30 KB Swings (1.5 pood)
30 Burpees
30 Sit Ups

We're designed to be hunters and we're in a society of shopping. There's nothing to kill anymore, there's nothing to fight, nothing to overcome, nothing to explore. In that societal emasculation this everyman is created.
~David Fincher, director of Fight Club, interview with Gavin Smith

What have we become? Do a favor to yourself, Kill some CrossFit WODs!!! Fight for more weight, faster times, and better health. Overcome the things in life that you physically thought you never could! Explore everything!

Everyday you train, do it like it is your last WOD ever...Trust me, in the end, you will thank me for it! Then, if you do well, go out and buy yourslef sometihng nice, like a Zone friendly dessert!