Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
10 Components of Complete Fitness
CrossFit workouts train your body in all 10 of these components of complete fitness: Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance- The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen. Stamina- The ability of the body to process, store, deliver, and utilize energy. Strength- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force. Flexibility- The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint. Power- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time. Speed- The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement. Agility- The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another. Coordination- The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement. Balance- The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base. Accuracy- The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.
The title for this blog came from the book/movie "Fight Club", seemingly about the struggles of breaking free from this mediocracy, sheep mentality of a life most people have become accustom too...Here is what I have to say about that S@%T!!!
DO Something About It!!!! CROSSFIT
I have come full circle in my CrossFit thinking. I'll admit, in the beginning it was all about me. My times, My weights, My performance...and don't get me wrong, it has everything to do with making ME better. I have come to realize though, that by making myself better, I will be more capable of making OTHERS better.
CrossFit, initially starts out as a performance enhancing functional fitness program. I hate to use the word program, as it's much more of a community of determined people who are willing to make themselves better one step at a time. Anyway, when people look at CrossFit from the outside in, they see this "crazy", really hard workout thing that will kill them and is way too hard for most people to do.
It is totally not like that. I have been to a number of CrossFit Boxes and in every one of them there are a few guys who are awesome athletes and kill the WOD and bring huge amounts of intensity to the Box. Although, what I have noticed is that there are actually more mom's, wives, older men/women, corporate people, kids, and even elderly (over 70) then there are athletes. This community is the most amazing community when it comes to catering to EVERYONE!
I have seen, read, and listened to more "confessions" from CrossFitters about losing weight (lots of weight), feeling more healthy, or getting their 1st pull up! This community is made up of individuals who are go getting, no holds barred, committed, kick ass people who really love life.
It is not just a "fitness program" that a Globo Gym tries to rip you off with. CrossFit is a lifestyle of bettering oneself physically, mentally, and emotionally. It starts with the physical WOD and probably you as a big glob of crap on the ground after. Then the next WOD, then all of the sudden you feel yourself getting strong, see the results on the scale, and notice how much better you feel emotionally.
CrossFit is not a weight loss program. It's not psychologist session. It's not a "weight lifting program". CrossFit is a (by definition) constantly varied combination of functional movements, performed at high intensity across broad time and modal domains. We specify in not specifying in general all inclusive fitness...That's the version that most people don't really understand in the beginning...
CrossFit, however, is also and weight loss program, a fun place to "workout", a better health/better emotional felling place, a goal getting, WOD killing, mac loving, burpee doing, bloody hand getting, amazing community of people. CrossFit is soo many more things, and to each individual, possibly something different.
CrossFit starts out as something most people are afraid of and only "elite" athletes can do. If that's what you think, then you are totally wrong, and should look more deeply into this community.
I have drank the Koolade and people have even gone as far as to say I bathe in it, or that I am obsessed with it. And I'd suffice to say they are pretty much correct in that, by way of CrossFit I have become a better, stronger, healthier person and am on a quest to make others see and feel what I have. We have been called a "movement" or a "cult" by those in the fitness industry that don't understand how to make people better people, and only want to make a quick buck on fade fitness programs or machines.
I am here to say, this is a movement, and my be semi-cultish, and that we are here, as a whole, to not make a quick buck, but to, in the words of Coach Glassman, "not be satisfied with anything less then total domination of the fitness industry." While this quest goes forward so do the number of people out there who get strong, lose weight, feel more heathy, and even some who will become "elite" athletes.
But, as I hope you either understand, or will come to understand, CrossFit is not just a "Fire Breathing", kill yourself, balls to the wall workout scheme that only athletic people can do. This thing, this community of astonishing people is something that everyone can do in some way shape or form. It has something to offer (not just physical) to everyone, not matter your background or goals. It is not something to be "afraid" to try, and I know more and more people will come to see that and understand what WE (CrossFit) is about above and beyond the WOD.
I myself will continue to forge a new me, and transform myself into the best overall fitness monster that I can, who is knowledgeable in this "movement", not to try and scare none athletic individuals away, but to make them see and know that I will do anything to help them improve their lives and well being through this thing we call CrossFit...
Wed. Feb. 18th WOD With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
19 Rnds
Thurs. Feb 19th WOD 50 Ring Dips 400m Run 50 Push ups 400m Run 50 HSPU 400m Run
29:38...HSPU Suck!
Fri. Feb. 20th Rest Day
Sat. Feb 21st WOD "Joshie"
CFSB Front Squat 5-135 5-175 5-200 PR
should have started heavier, but till a PR, never done 3x5 before...
I also have been toying with the idea of more strength work. With that said, Jeff Martin's article "Strong Medicine" (http://journal.crossfit.com/2009/02/crossfit-strength-bias.tpl) couldn't have had better timing. I am going to do a modified CFSB routine for the next 6 weeks at least. I am going to follow their program for back squats, deads, front squats, and presses, but will mix in some split jerks, and jerks, and some cleans also. I am going to try a formate more like 2 heavy sessions in each 3 day period, and maybe 1 if I'm felling crappy. It will look something like this
Week 1
Day 1: Main site WOD + Back squats (5x3) Day 2: MSWOD + Deads (5x3) Day 3:MSWOD Day 4: Rest Day 5: MSWOD + Front Squats (3x5) Day 6: MSWOD + Presses (3x5) Day 7 Rest
Week 2
Day 1: MSWOD + Back Squats (5x3) Day 2: MSWOD + Deads (5x3) Day 3:MSWOD Day 4: Rest Day 5: MSWOD + Cleans (3x5) Day 6: MSWOD + Split Jerks (3x5) Day 7 Rest
Week 3
Day 1: MSWOD + Back Squats (3x5) Day 2: MSWOD + Deads (3x5) Day 3:MSWOD Day 4: Rest Day 5: MSWOD + Front Squats (5x3) Day 6: MSWOD + Presses (5x3) Day 7 Rest
Week 4
Day 1: MSWOD + Back Squats (3x5) Day 2: MSWOD + Deads (3x5) Day 3:MSWOD Day 4: Rest Day 5: MSWOD + Cleans (5x3) Day 6: MSWOD + Split Jerks (5x3) Day 7 Rest
All WODs will be proceeded by the Burgner Warm up and finished with a gymnastics/skill development...
After a 4 week preiod I will evaluate my #s and go from there. Chances are I will do at least 2 more weeks to make it a 6 week cycle. The goal here is to become stronger overall, but at the same time stay steady on the Main Site WODs and my overall general fitness as a whole. With the proper nutrition (Zone, although maybe modified) and enough recovery this prgram should develop better overall strength while still increasing an overall general fitness level.
16 KB Swings (55#) 16 Inverted Burpees 16 DB Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (40#) 16 DB Front Squats (40#) 16 Pull Ups
45:10...Well, This was one of the WODs I was just not ready for! Granted a few of these movements are slower movements, but this WOD killed me. I'm not sure what was up, although my nutrition hasn't been the best and due to training my schedule has been sparse, but those are no excuse. Coach speaks of "general fitness" and being "constantly varied". These 2 statements are the reason I am very upset about this one...everyone has a bad day though...stash this one away and move on...
Mon. Feb 9th WOD Cindy (YMCA) 27 + 10 push ups
This felt a lot better, but Cindy has always been one of my better ones. Still can't reach that 31+ that I hit awhile back...I'll get 32 or 33 though.
Tues. Feb. 10th WOD Dead Lifts
1-315 1-335 1-340 1-340 1-335 1-345 1-350
Scaled this one back a little. Worked a lot more on form and training Eric.
Wed. Feb. 11th Rest Day
Thurs. Feb. 12th WOD (Albany CrossFit)
750m Row 21 KB Swings (55#) 21 Pull ups
500m Row 15 KB Swings 15 Pull ups
250 m Row 9 KB Swings 9 Pull ups
9:32...This one went pretty well. I had a better time then everyone at Albany CrossFit, but I wonder how Kahlipa, OPT, Speal, and guys like that would do.
I was talking with one of the guys there and telling him how I believe the NE Region is the weakest region for qualifying for the games, and that a guy like him or me on the right day could easily get in. At the same time though, we would have no shot at winning the Games in 09. The NE is weak yes making the dream a possibility for guys like us, but the reality is, there is sooo much more training (physically and mentally) to be done before being able to compete with the "Fire breathers". Can you tell who has more stamina, better form, and gets the faster time?
Fri. Feb. 13th Travel Day...Rest
Sat. Feb. 14th Arrival day back to Sicily, slept all day. Rest.
Sun. Feb 15th WOD
3 Rnds 500m Row 21 Burpees 400m Run
16:56...Did this one at the local gym, used a treadmill for the runs. Felt pretty good, a little weak in the lungs. OPT did it in 14 and change, as was expected, and I might have been under 16 out on a track. The treadmill takes abotu 20 secs to speed up.
Mon. Feb. 16th Rest Day
Still jet lagged a little. Didn't wake up till 1pm. Decided to take the day off so that I can get back on the Main Site tomorrow.
Welcome the the local Globo Gym in Utica NY! LOL...as you can see these people are really killin it!!! I had to spend the last week CrossFitting here and getting stared at by a bunch of people who basically walked around and chatted with each other.
On Monday my brother Grant(finally got him to Drink the Koolaid, and he is addicted) went in to do a dead lift WOD. As we were working out and being extremly critical on form and keeping our lumbar curve "locked" into place we looked around. What did we see? A bunch of retarded Globo Gymers wasting there time! These people seriously think a 2 inch ROM on bench press with 315# for 3 reps is a workout!!! Its so annoying!
And then some kid with a college football shirt on was doing squats...well, they weren't squats actually I'm not sure what they were. I really wish I had a pic. He had 225# on the bar, high bar squat position, and then he wrapped elastic bands around the ends of the bar that were attached to 100# dumb bells on the ground. I'm guessing these were for extra resistence. So far, I'm ok with this, although I'd rather see a low bar position. Anyway, here is where it gets interesting! He put a box under where his ass would squat too, but then he put a piece of foam on the box. ??? Hmm, now what? Umm, well, I guess it was so he could sit down on while he was doing his squats...as he lowered the weight he actually sat on the box (which was above parallel) like he was resting for a few seconds and then would stand up! LOL, I just looked at my brother and laughed (out loud) and shook my head. I really had no clue WTF was going on...There was so much more I could rant about but I'm sure we all understand where I'm coming from. These people are mice and have no clue what they are doing. I put the blame on the trainers here. No one even realizes these people are not doing themsleves any good, and that is why the same people for the last 10 years have made no gains, have gotten fatter, and have not gotten any stronger! I wish I could shut the place sown and free everyone of these people from the lies they are living! Somone needs to hook up a Koolaid fire hydrant outside and hose this whole place down!!!!
The pics that follow are from the website of this gym...they really look like they are motivated, and really working hard! I love the last one of the weight room...Globo Gymers, does this look firmiliar? GET A LIFE! LOL
Sun. Jan 25th-Fri Jan 30th Team Training...Rest Days
Sat Jan 31st
For time: 25 Walking lunge steps 20 Pull-ups 50 Box jumps 20 Double-unders 25 Ring dips 20 Knees to elbows 30 Kettlebell swings 1.5 pood 30 GHD Sit-ups 25 Back extensions 20 Slam balls 20 pound ball 30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 3 Rope climb ascents
17:30...Thanks to Thomi for a great WOD that I was sore from for like 4 days!!!
Sun Feb 1st Rest Day, Flew to NY
Mon Feb 2nd
Deads 1-315 1-335 1-355 1-355 1-360 1-365 1-370
Felt Good to finally go heavy on Deads again...Still losing a little lumbar curve with the heavier weight. I need to strengthen my mid line more in order to "lock" in and hold the weight...until this happens I'm afraid I won't be up in the 400 range...
Tues Feb 3rd
Back Squat 5-225 5-225 5-235 5-225 5-225
no bumpers plates so I chose to stay a little lighter so that I would have to drop the weight at Globo Gym Utica and get kicked out...
Wed. Feb 4th
Five rounds for time of: 2 pood Kettlebell swings, 25 reps 25 GHD Sit-ups 25 Back Extensions 25 Knees to Elbows
around 35 mins...forgot my watch so kept time on the wall clock...I was just talking about strengthening mid-line...lol, well, I got my wish! Although this killed my mid-line more then anything, and it was also a killer leg workout too. I felt mortal on this one, as I have on most of them lately. I think the few weeks of only getting 2-3 WODs in has definitely hurt me. This was an OPT type WOD and it showed, since he killed it in 27:12...He is an animal!
No Bumpers again, so again went a little lighter as to not have to drop the weight and cause a CAT A situation in Globo Gym! Felt a little burned out and weak though. Presses were definitely weaker then usual, Push Presses weren't too bad but my shoulders were fried. Push Jerk was very very light for me. I stuck with a working weight and still had trouble locking out in the right timing sequence...shoulders were donzo!