10 Components of Complete Fitness

CrossFit workouts train your body in all 10 of these components of complete fitness:
Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance- The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen.
Stamina- The ability of the body to process, store, deliver, and utilize energy.
Strength- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force.
Flexibility- The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint.
Power- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time.
Speed- The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
Agility- The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another.
Coordination- The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
Balance- The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base.
Accuracy- The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Too much time off makes me feel like crap!!

Tues Jan 13th-Friday Jan 16th

Team Training, which means no time for CrossFit, or anything else really...

My Zone Diet has kinda gone to shit since I have been in the US. It's more because work days are going from like 530 am to 7 pm or so then just falling off the wagon. I have been eating ok for breakfast and lunch and maybe one snack, but dinner is out the door!! I have put on a little more weight and lost some of my leanness, but Thomi says thats a natural "winter" thing.

Sat. Jan 17th Happy 31st Bday to me!!!

CrossFit Alexandria

Weight Lifting WOD
Squat Clean
1-205 miss
1-205 PR
1-215 miss

Split Jerk
1-225 PR
1-245 PR

Felt strong after 4 days off, but if this was a Metcon WOD my lungs would have suffered...Overall, very vert happy with this. I PRd on both exercises...The little extra weight I put on and the "rest" I got definitely helped out. For my 31st Bday I feel much more fit then ever!

Sun Jan 18th
CrossFit Alexandria

5 Rnds
250m Row
15 Squat Cleans (95#)


Mon. Jan 19th
CrossFit Alexandria

3 Rnds
Box Jumps
Ring Dips


Tues. Jan 20th-Thursday Jan 22rd

Team Training...Rest Days...not really

Fri Jan 23rd CrossFit Va Beach

12:35 Squat Cleans

First time ever doing this WOD, and after an extented rest period, it hurt!!!!

Sat. Jan 24th CrossFit Va Beach
3 Rnds
50 Double Unders
2 Rope Climbs (15 ft)
50 Squats


I really hate Double Unders!!! I'm much better then I use to be, but I still suck at them. My last set of 50 must have been like 3 mins!!! If I was better this WOD could be done around 7 mins!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Killed some WODs in 2 countries this week!!!

Thurs Jan 8th

1000m Row
Front Squat 135#
Back Ext.

8:31...Woke up at 315 am (Sicily time) and the main page WOD was not posted yet, so I pulled a card from the Hopper Deck. It was pretty good, the front squats were a little harder then expected after the row.

Fri. Jan 9th
WOD CrossFit Va Beach
AMR in 20 mins:

100m Run
12 KB Swings 55#
10 Pull Ups

10 full + 6 Pull Ups...great grip killer!!! and it was could as hell outside. Did this WOD at 7 pm and my buddy Casey and I were the only 2 there. He got me by 2 pull ups, but he is also 11 years younger! LOL, not an excuse, but definetly a slight advantage after my recovery from the Thursday WOD was a 9 hour trans-atlantic flight!!! Legs were a little tight.

Sat. Jan 10th
WOD CrossFit Va Beach

Jumping Pull ups 137
Wall Ball 75
Burpees 50
Box Jump 74

Total 336...Tabata's are always hard as hell! This WOD proved that my endurance and stamina has come along way. I didn't gas as bad as i would have in the past and finished strong as hell!!!!

Sun Jan 11th
Rest Day...kinda

Went in with Thomi and worked on some light weight Oly lifts. Did the Burgner Warm-up a few times and then went into cleans. Used 75# for about 30-40 mins of work and then went up gradually, ending at 135# for a few reps working only on explosiveness, timing, and technique.

Mon Jan 12th

Started training today for work and ran late and did not make the WOD at Va Beach. So, I used today as a rest day. Going to try to make it back in tomorrow...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

USA Bound

With a Rest Day coming tomorrow, Thursday will mark the beginning of my trip to the states. I'm hoping to get some time in a CrossFit Affiliate while I am there, but only time will tell...

Sun Jan 4th

Dead Lift

3 sets of 5 with 225# working on lumbar curve, shoulder girdle position, and breathing. This WOD felt good, form got a little shoty up around 370. Back and shoulders aren't really strong enough to hold the nice tight lumbar curve body position at this weight. The weight still goes up, but my back is slightly rounded...

Mon Jan 5th

Hang Power Clean

I stopped there because my form and timing was all off. I then did 3 sets of 5 with 135, full hang squats to depth working on the catch and lower portion of this exercise. I then went home and watch some instructional videos on hang power cleans and realized what the problem was. Instead of going dow slowly from start to just above knee (or mid-thigh) I was going down quickly like a push press and the downward momentum was really screwing me up!!! I file this day away as a good learning experience and will be looking forward to trying this one again...

Tues Jan 6th

4 Rnds
400m Run
15 ft Rope Climb x2

18:05...I think this was very slow, but I', not sure why. I did have to wait around the rope quite a bit because 6 of us (staggered, but still got bunched up) were doing the WOD at the same time. Regardless, I felt slow on the runs, and like my wind just wasn't there. I also really struggled with the last set of HSPU. I did cut my Zone fat back from 5x to 4x for a few days after feeling a little "bloated" after meals, but all this did was kill my energy and make me irritable. I have gone back to 5x and feel much better...looks like that's where I am staying...

Wed Jan 7th
Rest Day

10 Days to my 31st B-day...CrossFit Warrior even as I age!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

I Am CrossFit!!!

CrossFit Central is starting their "I Am CrossFit" Program tomorrow, so I decided to explain why I am CrossFit...

Still Bloody!!!

I Am CrossFit...

Because I enjoy PAIN!

Tues. Dec. 30th
Rest Day

Wed. Dec. 31st (New Year's Eve)
Fight Gone Bad!!!

Not a Pr, but finally head back in that direction. My last 2 were 309, and 305. I want 380 for 2009...I know it's a lofty goal, but it's a long long year!!!!

Thurs. Jan 1st 2009

No Better way to start the New Year then with a Hero WOD for an amazing Navy Operator!!!

33:47...No Kit, it's packed away for shipment to the states, next time I promise!!! Also, no a PR, last time was in 31 and change, but a I said then, I felt cheated on it. It was an indoor track and I'm not convinced it was actually a mile around the track...I actually measured this one out with 2 different GPS units....Still an ok time. 1st run was in 6:30, not sure about the 2nd, but it was around 7 mins. The last .5 miles was in 3:47...RIP Brother...

Fri. Jan. 2nd
Clean and Jerk
With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

8 Full rnds...did not start 9, but I slacked cause I should have at least done as many reps as I could have even though I would have not gotten 9, I probably would have gotten at least 6. So, I punished myself and did 4 sets of 5 with 1 min rest between sets, to work on technique, and make sure I did more of my potential! Felt kinda crappy about 8 rnds but POT only did 10, so no too bad I guess...

After my workout, I went to get my new tat. My B-day Present to myself as I will be turning 31 on the 17th. Not getting any younger, but it feels that way!

I Am CrossFit because I'm in better shape now then when I was 20!!!!

Sat. Jan. 3rd
Rest Day

School's in session Bitches!!!!

Got this idea off a fellow CrossFitters blog...Makes me feel like a bad ass!! Who's next???!!!


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Thursday, January 1, 2009


I was going to reflect on 2008 but to tell the truth, I don't even remember where I was on New Year's last year...so...I just want to say that 2008 changed my life. In more ways then one. First, my career actually started on Feb. 13th when I graduated and chose to be stationed in Sicily for the next 2-3 years. Still wondering if it was the right choice, but I guess the grass is always greener. I has enabled me to travel and see things I would have never seen, and gave me the oppertunity to be part of CrossFit history.

I was at the first Level 1 Cert in Europe's history, got to meet Coach, and Nicole and changed my out look on CrossFit, nutrition and ultimately life. As many have said, CrossFit is a way of life, not just a hobby. Because of it, I don't party and drink hardly ever, I am more healthy, and I have been given a tool that someday will help me lead and teach others in the ways of this amazing lifestyle.

My father is a very devout Christian and has always said my name mean, "The Chosen One". I'm sure he always meant it in a Godly way, which may not be my exact calling, but I feel CrossFit and the heathy and conditioning area is my calling. After I am done with my current career in the military (whether it be 5 yrs or 20 yrs) I am going to work at and eventually open a CrossFit Box. As Jeremy Theil said in his blog, "Changing the world is a big task and I am still up to it one step at a time.".

CrossFit Personal Goals for 2009

Zone Better
Shoulder Press-190
Push Press- 210
Push Jerk-225
Split Jerk-240
Over Head Squat-200+
Squat Clean-225
Fran-Sub 3 min
Fight Gone Bad-380+
Double Unders-50 straight
Murph-Sub 30 mins (no armor) Sub 40 mins (with armor...never done it this way)
Dead Lift-425
Diane-Sub 3 mins
Filthy 50-Sub 20 mins
Cindy-32+ Rnds
Prepare for a chance at the CrossFit Games!!!!

This is the start of my list, I'm sure I will have more, plus personal, and career related goals...2009 is going to be an amazing and interesting year!!!