10 Components of Complete Fitness

CrossFit workouts train your body in all 10 of these components of complete fitness:
Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance- The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen.
Stamina- The ability of the body to process, store, deliver, and utilize energy.
Strength- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force.
Flexibility- The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint.
Power- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time.
Speed- The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
Agility- The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another.
Coordination- The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
Balance- The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base.
Accuracy- The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Your Anger is Your Gift!"

I have begun to understand this quote from a very popular Rage Against the Machine song...Freedom. Anger is something that is given to certain individuals that when harnessed in the right way, can lead to immense power! I'm not talking about that type of anger that is harbored by criminals, killers, and the ignorant. I'm speaking of the type of anger it takes to bust out a killer workout, or force yourself to do one more rep, or work at a higher intensity.

I have never puked from a workout...never. In doing CrossFit, that may be hard to believe, but I speak the truth. I have become exhausted, and light headed, and thought I was going to die, but never puked! I am harnessing an anger it will take to push myself to the extreme when it comes to each days WOD. I find that the intensity level is increasing and I can feel myself creating an atmosphere in my workouts that might lead to to finding Pukie! I'm not saying I will attain a level of fitness great enough to win the CrossFit Games or even place in the top 50, or 100, but I believe that by gathering this anger (passion) for training I can improve my fitness to a level far superior to where I have been in the past, or even where I am now!

Mon. Oct 27th

"L" Pull ups: 18-15-12-9-6-3
Turkish Get Ups (16k) 2-6-10-14-18-22

18:50...Done for time, but really more of a over-all strength type of WOD. Take your time and make sure your form is good, but explode into the movements and get the met con rolling! My buddy, not a CrossFitter, (he is training for a marathon) did it in 34 mins...what's that tell you about cario? He is bigger then me, and can probably ran farther, but as for strength to met con ratio...no match!!!

Tues. Oct 28th

Hopper Deck: 7 of Spades:
Row 1000m then...

Front Squat (135)
Back Ext.

11:25...The row was just under 4 mins, like 3:55 or so. I had to break the squats up 10-11 first set 10-5 second set. My legs were shot from earlier this week, but I powered through and it was a good WOD. After that I did

5 sets of 5
Squat Clean tech (95#)

3 sets of 5
Muscle up tech (little bounce to help head through, rest of movement unassisted)

Wed. Oct. 29th

Rest Day (possible sort run for command PT)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

"I felt like destroying something beautiful!" Fight Club

Sat. Oct 18th

Back Squat


Felt good, but I should be stronger I think...Not sure what's up with the whole squat thing, but I need (must be) be over 300 soon. That is my goal, and I will reach it!!!

Sun. Oct. 19th
Rest Day

On Monday myself and the PLT I am with departed really really early to go do some camping and training for the week. I brought some kettlebells and a couple dumb bells with me so that I could train while i was there. Unfortunately I only got in 2 workout due to rain and long days. They are as follows...

Tues. Oct 21st

50 x 1.5 pood KB SDHP
40 x 1 pood KB Swing
30 x 8kg 1 arm KB clean and press
20 x 25# DB Burpees
10 x 15# DB Thrusters

Thurs. Oct 23rd

3 Rnds

1.5 pood KB Swing
25# Squat Clean Thrusters
15 # Burpee

After getting back to civilization I ended up taking Friday and Saturday off. Not really by choice, but kinda. Anyway, I made up for it today. I drank on Friday night and had to get the "poison" out of my body after recovering on Sat...

Sun. Oct. 26th

30 x 135# Clean and Jerk

3:50...This is actually the first time I can say I have done this WOD. It has "scared" me in the past. More of a form thing then a weight thing. I have been working on my Oly lifts and was in an unusually bad mood, so this was the perfect warm up WOD! I think I did very well. On a good day, sub-3:30 is definitely possible. I followed it up with this....

WOD #2


OHS (75#)

15:15...Killer WOD, loved it! Hit this one hard but pace yourself slightly since it tapers off, finish twice as hard as you started!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

"The cost of regular extended aerobic training is decreased speed, power, and strength."

The quote I chose for the title of this set of blogs is a great description of Navy PT and why it doesn't work!

Tues. Oct. 14th

5 Rnds
OHS x 15 (95#)
400m Run

14:08...This was basically a PR for me since I had never really done it before. I compared my times to others online adn I was pretty happy with it. If I was a faster runner this time could be more like 12 mins. I did not break up any sets of the OHS doing all 5 rnds of 15 straight through, even though my legs were killing me from Mons. WOD.

Wed Oct. 15th
Rest Day

Navy PT, 3 mile run

Thurs. Oct 16th

3 Rnds
Box Jumps x 50 (24")
SDHP x 21 (135#)

14:08...Sound firmiliar? It was the same time as the "Nancy" WOD! Weird. This one was difficult. It was a met con type WOD but with heavy weight for the SDHP make them go a little bit slower and really taxing the legs so the Box Jumps were harder.

Fri Oct. 17th

3 Rnds
400m Run
21 x KB Swings (1.5 pood)
12 Pull Ups

8:50...This is a huge PR for me down from 9:15! And this was after doing the GAY Navy PRT. 100 pushup in 2 mins (although they made me stop after 1:15), 100 sit ups in 2 mins (although they made me stop at 100 and I had like 30 secs left), and a 1.5 mile run in 9:37, which is down from an average of around 10:15 or so.

Basically I used the PRT for my warm up to Kill "Helen"!

I have noticed a HUGE increase in work capacity, recovery, and overall stamina since modifying my diet. Basically I read the book Enter the Zone, and modified it (not measuring everything) into a Paleo type diet high in protein, fat, and low in carbs and sugar. I will admit I do eat zone bars and an occasional snickers which are not good, but I have a chocolate craving that I need to fulfill. I also love cappuccinos, so as far as cutting out all dairy...not going to happen! All in all though my total carb and sugar intake are way way down, and I feel amazing!

If you want to improve your performance, you must improve your diet! Basically, STOP eating like an american!!!!

Check out Nick and I sporting a little CrossFit attitude at the Teatro Greco in Taormina!!!

Nick in the Discobolos pose, and me in the Zeus pose..

Monday, October 13, 2008

Be Intense & Transform yourself!

Sorry I have not posted in awhile, I have totally been slaking off. I did create a video for my new "FRAN" PR the other day, so that will be at the end of this posting. I have to cover a lot of ground, from Oct. 4th-13th so bear with me. Here it goes, enjoy...

Sat. Oct. 4th
3 Rnds for time:

50 Double Unders
75 Squats

18:58...My nemisis! Double Unders! God, I hate them sooo much I love them! Anyway, did this one at home in the back yard with 2 really crappy jump ropes. I say 2, cause about 1/4 of the way through the first one was broken. Well, I actually broke it by throwing it against a wall1 I was a little mad at it. Actually got it on tape too, it's pretty funny. So, neddless to say I am still working hard on them and hopefully will be a lot better before I go to CrossFit Va Beach, cause Thomi is going to make me do them so she can make fun of me and beat me in a WOD!

Sun. Oct 5th
Rest Day

Mon. Oct 6th

400m Run
21 DL (225#)
42 Pull Ups

400m Run
15 DL
30 PU

400m Run
9 DL
18 PU

400m Run

19:26...This WOD was a killer! I really need to do more 400m sprints! I'll work on that.

Tues. Oct. 7th
Rest Day (Needed to stick with my schedule)

Wed. Oct. 8th
5 Rnds

20 Turkish Get Ups (35#)
21 Knees to Elbows
21 KB Swings (1.5 pood)

29:21...Great GOD TGU suck! This WOD was interesting cause the TGUs kinda go slow but get really hard, and just makes the rest miserable!

Thurs. Oct. 9th
Dead Lift
Missed 385 x 2

Everyone has a bad day, this was mine! But mentally it made me a stronger person, which like Andy Stumpf says is why we do heavy days! Sometimes you need more of a mental workout then a physical one...Killin this one next time! New PR of over 405!

Fri. Oct 10th
Thrusters (95#)
Pull Ups

3:28!...NEW PR baby! Killed this one...went down from 3:52. Like I said having a bad day only makes you stronger, boucing back to PR on this WOD proves that.

Sat. Oct. 11th
Rest Day

Sun. Oct. 12th

10 Rnds
100m Row
10 Double Unders
10 Ring Dips

17:55...This one really hurt! Jay finished 1:30 ahead of me and again my double unders suck! I also realized that my ring dips are not as good as they use to be. Something else to work on!

Mon. Oct. 13th
Happy Columbus Day!

5 Rnds
1 Tire Pull & Reset
(Pull truck tire toward you with climbing rope about 30ft, run back)
20 Squats (135#)
10 Burpees

18 and change...Wrote it down at work, I wasn't going for time per-say on this one, but I pushed through it hard. I did all sets unbroken including squats and that sucked! Took a little rest between sets to catch my breath. Did want to rush the squats though, did them for technique and power not speed.

Nancy tomorrow! Can't wait, OHS baby!

Friday, October 10, 2008


I will post the WODs I did this week probably tomorrow. Today I was suppose to do a row/double under/pull up WOD, but my boy Jay wanted to do FRAN! So...FRAN it was! and 2 PRs were set! I will post the video of mine soon. Unfortunately, he did not want his filmed! Although, after finishing in 4:54, about 2 mins or so faster then his PR I bet he is wishing it was on video now!

This is what I listened to while doing FRAN...thank you Andy Stump for introducing me to this song! Many a WOD in Coronado has been done to this very inspirational tune!!!

Another mission,
The powers have called me away.
Another time,
To carry the colors again.
My motivation,
An oath I've sworn to defend.
To win the honor,
Of coming back home again.
No explanation,
Will matter after we begin.
Another dark destroyer that's buried within,
My true vocation.
And now my unfortunate friend,
You will discover,
A war you're unable to win.

I'll have you know,
That I've become...

Determination that is incorruptible.
From the other side.
A terror to behold.
Annihilation will be unavoidable.
Every broken enemy will know,
That their opponent had to be invincible.
Take a last look around while you're alive,
I'm an indestructible master of war.

Another reason.
Another cause for me to fight.
Another fuse uncovered,
Now, for me to light.
My dedication,
To all that I've sworn to protect.
I carry out my orders,
Without a regret.
A declaration,
Embedded deep under my skin.
A permanent reminder,
Of how we began.
No hesitation,
When I am commanding the strike.
You need to know,
That you're in for the fight of your life.

You will be shown,
How I've become...

Determination that is incorruptible.
From the other side.
A terror to behold.
Annihilation will be unavoidable.
Every broken enemy will know,
That their opponent had to be invincible.
Take a last look around while you're alive,
I'm an indestructible master of war.



Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Why CrossFit? You can try this...

Watch this video...it is the new, high speed training sweeping the nation!
Who needs a constantly varied, functional, intense, multi-domain based training regimen when you can train like this!  (I tried to upload the vid, but it wouldn't work, so just use the link)


Aimee, you are a beast and a true testament to American fitness! Keep up the hard work!


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Killin WODs one day at a time...

Sun. Sept. 28th
Push Jerk
135-155-165-175-185 (missed)-185

I used this WOD to work on my form a lot. Even taped it and sent it out for some rigorous scrutiny from a trainer and friend. Works very well to tape workout and then take a look and see what you are doing wrong or right. I have started bringing my camera into work and taping myself and other and then reviewing it in real time and in slow motion. This has gotten very good feed back from the guys. They (and I) love that instant feedback of being able to watch yourself and correct the problems. I can see why a video camera is one of the gear items on the Garage Gym list! Awesome training tool.

Mon. Sept 29th
Rest Day

Work wise today was kinda cool. A group of us went out and did some HRST training (rappeling) off a tower near base. I had not done it in like 6 months, so leaping backwarks from a 60 ft tower with a little rope attached to you is fun!

Tues. Sept 30th

3 10 min Rnds with about 2 mins in between. Perform each excercise to MAX effort in the time frame as evenly as possible to keep in constant motion. Total workout equals 30 mins. Keep track of reps for each exercise and then add up for total.

1st 10 mins...Burpees/Box Jumps 80/85=165
2nd 10 mins...Pull ups/HSPU 90/70=160
3rd 10 mins...GHSU/Back Ext. 120/140=260

Total overall reps = 585

I invented this WOD, follow more of an unconventional design a la CrossFit Coronado. It was a good one. Sustaining max effort of a longer duration tends to work different aspects of fitness and is something I think CrossFitters may not do enough. WE are a very powerful and explosive group, and tend to bank on the shorter more intense WODs then anything over 20 mins. I will be designing more WODs similar to this that are timed out at 30-40 mins of sustained intense max effort...stay tuned.

Wed Oct. 1st
First of al, I had to actually run today cause the Command was doing a maditory PT run. I told them the only time I want to run is either when getting shot at or chased by a tiger! Not sure that worked though. Anyway, did a very, very light 3 miles for a warmup

3 Rnds for time
500m Row
21 KB Swings (1.5 pood)

9:31...I love rowing, so throwing this WOD together made me happy. It should be the primary Mono-structural movement for "cardio" in my belief. Total body, low impact, yet varying in intensity depending on what you are looking for.

Thus. Oct. 2nd

225# Dead Lifts

3:33...PR BABY!!!!! This was a huge day for me. I had been feeling good, but a little slow and weak. The last time I did Diane was about 3 months ago and I got a 5:23, and far cry from my previous PR at 4:12 about 8 months ago. I blew this WOD out of the water and felt awesome after! I finally think my modified Paleo diet is starting to pay off. Even they I am getting yelled at by other CrossFit trainer to go Zone and weigh and measure...I'm working on it...until then, just trying to cut out sugar (for the most part) and not eating pasta, bread, or a lot of other starchy foods has really paid off. I am leaner, stronger, and faster.

Fri. Oct 3rd
Rest Day

Some little work tidbits. WE got to jump this week also, which was very cool. I only did 2 jumps, bith on Wed. 1 from 10,000 ft and 1 from 13,000 ft. They were both group jumps out the back end of a C130, so I was locked together with 2 other guys, creating the "base" to the formation. Good times though. Sicily is really very beautiful from the sky

Video of Myself (QDZ) and Chip (HOUSE) PRing on "Diane"

"Performance is directly correlated with intensity. Intensity is directly correlated with discomfort."