10 Components of Complete Fitness

CrossFit workouts train your body in all 10 of these components of complete fitness:
Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance- The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen.
Stamina- The ability of the body to process, store, deliver, and utilize energy.
Strength- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force.
Flexibility- The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint.
Power- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time.
Speed- The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
Agility- The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another.
Coordination- The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
Balance- The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base.
Accuracy- The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

CrossFit Sicily?

Well, after a much needed rest day, I ended up going out a little too late and drinking a little too much, so Sunday Sept. 21st was used as a recovery day. I ended up moving everything back a day, which isn't too bad. The problem, which ended up being a blessing, came later in the week...

Mon. Sept. 22nd
"Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" (courtesy of CrossFit Coronado)

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

15 x Deadlift Men 95#, Women 65#
10 x Back Squat Men 95#, Women 65#
5 x Over Head Squat Men 95#, Women 65#

9 Full Rnds + 10 Squats...This WOD is a serious leg workout! One might look at it and think, 95# Deads and Back Squats are easy...yeah, they kinda are, till you throw in OHS and then do as many rnds as possible in 20 mins! Then this WOD definitely earns it's name! My legs were sore for at least 3 days after, and I think my thighs grew almost instantly! Do this one, and make your clients do it! It's awesome!

Tues. Sept. 23rd
12 Rnds
10 Pull ups
10 Push ups

10:12...This was pretty much a repeat WOD. Back in June I did 10 Rnds 12 pull ups and 12 push ups. Same amout of reps, little different setup. Anyway, I got a 16:54 in June...so, even though it was a slightly different equal WOD, I'd say a almost 7 min. swing is pretty impressive!! I'm happy with that..lol.

Wed. Sept. 24th and Thurs. Sept 25th
Rest Day?

This day turned into a disaster, seriously. I was going to do a WOD in the afternoon after work, but around 130 the Aquious Film Forming Foam System (fire sprinkler type) decided to set itself off and spray enough foam to fill the entire high bay more then once! It was crazy! We spent about 4 hours with brooms and squeegees pushing foam outside so that the damage would be minimal. All in all it took 3 days to clean up and everything in the high bay (there is a lot of stuff) had to be forklifted out and hosed down with fresh water and then moved back in.

This did however enable us to snag an area just for the setup of our CrossFit gym, and the unofficial beginnings of CrossFit Sicily at MU 8 have begun!

Fri. Sept 26th
4 Rnds
Thrusters x 15
SDHP x 15

10:59...Today was the unofficial 1st day in the new CrossFit gym area at the Unit. 4 of us tackled this WOD. 1 only got 3 rnds RXed, one got 3 rnds scaled to 65#s and the other finished, RXed in 13 mins.

I felt pretty good, well, not during, but after, I fe;t good about this time seeing how everyone else faired. The other RXed guy is about 270 and in pretty good shape, so beating him was good. Seeing as he killed me in FGB last week 390 to 309. And he also did Grace in 3:03. With a little bit of training I will transform him into a Big CrossFit Monster, literally and figuratively.

Sat. Sept 27th
Warm-up 1000m Row...Cool-down 500m Row

28 Rnds + 5 pulls...Bumped this one up from Mon. to today due to gym access. I felt ok, just didn't move as fast as normal. A little shy of my PR of 31 Rnds + 5 pulls, but still respectable. Mono-structural WOD tomorrow for strength. Push-presses.

MU 8 Workin hard!
CrossFit Sicily the Infancy.
Little KB work after the WOD

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Gotta Clean to get ready for the Fight!

I returned to Sicily on Monday and it was nicer then usual. It had actually rained so the temperature was a lot cooler! IT has been very nice.

Monday Sep. 15th
Rest Day (Traveled from UK to Italy)

Tues Sep. 16th

Rest Day (Actual)

Wed. Sep. 17th
5 miles run with the command.

44:59...This run really sucked! I hate running more then anything and have decided, unless you are getting chased by the cops, a tiger, or an alien lifeform, there is no need to run more then a 5K! All it does is ruin your knees, hips, and ankles, and sets you up for a failure! I totally recommend sprints, 5K's, and CrossFit WODs that have 400s or whatever in then as your form of "distance" training.

Thurs. Sep. 18th


This is not an exercise I am totally abreast in, but I have been working on my technique. I believe, and so do others, and it is one of the foundations for building great power and strength in an overall capacity! Along with Dead lifts and Snatches, these are the exercises that will make you a true beast in power output! Learn them, do them, use them, and always try to fine tuen them!

Nicole Carol Demonstrates Med Ball Cleans

Fri. Sep. 19th

"Fight Gone Bad"

Total Reps 309...I was really disappointed in this effort. I felt ok, but it is a far cry from the 334 I put up last time I did FGB. I think the way the exercises where setup was part of the issue. WB, Box Jump, Row, SDHP, PP. Not that it's an excuse, but afterward the 6 of us that did it realized we should have split up the pushing and pulling movements. All that said, this WOD is always a killer, and a great one to repeat every month or 2 in some form or variation. I challenge you to "invent" new FGB variations and see what you can come up with. Stay tuned for one that I came up with involving some of the oly lift movements and some pretty high weight!

Sat. Sep. 20th
Rest Day

Stand by for tomorrows WOD, it's one that Andy Stumpf did in Coronado, and I know it's going to hurt!

Nicole Carol demonstrating the Sumo Dead Lift High Pull! Awesome!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I met "Satan" at the Manchester Level 1 Cert!

Friday Sept. 12th
3 Rnds for time

500m Row
8 Pull ups

10:08...This one was made up on a whim. Good though. Rows really get to my legs, I feel the burn every time! HSPU and pull ups went easy. This one would have been better with 21 HSPU and 15 pull ups!

After the workout I hopped on a plane anf flew to Manchester, UK for a weekend of fun. CrossFit Level 1 certification, Gotta say, it was awesome! I was sooo surprised to see Coach Glassman there. He is an amazing human. I have a total passion for what he says, teaches and believes in! He brought along a great training crew from the states too. Todd (CrossFit Flathead), Jimmy (CrossFit Laguna Beach), Nicole (CrossFit Santa Cruz), and my buddy Andy (Crossfit Coronado).

The weekend started off with Coach speaking about What is CrossFit. Nicole spoke on squats, front squats, and over-head squats. Then we worked on our functional movements in these areas. Coach again came up to lead us on a journey of What is Fitness! Andy got pretty deep into presses, push presses, and push jerks followed again by functional movements workshop in these areas. Then came the WOD! All of the trainers were trying to scare us (succeeding by the way) with FRAN, but alas they had something else in store for us.

Saturday Sept. 13th
Teams of 3 working at the same time, but each member must finish his exercise before moving on the to next.

3 Rnds
200m Run
Air squats
KB Swings (62#)

11:32...all I have to say is 30 KB swings at 62#s is really heavy! x 3...lol...sucks!!!

After the WOD we all got together at the local pub for some beer, food, and great conversation. This turned into me, with the trainers in downtown Manchester getting absolutely wasted till 4am!!!

Day 2 started with Todd talking about dead lifts, sumo dead lift high pulls, and med ball cleans. Again followed by functional movement workshop. Then we had Q & A with Coach, Nutrition with Nicole, and Programming with Todd. Just before the programming we split up into groups and did stations for review on med ball cleans, presses, muscle ups, and kipping pull ups. Mixed into that was "Satan"! Lol, kinda an inside joke from one of the lectures, but anyway, Andy decided that we need to do a thruster burpee WOD!

Sunday Sept. 14th

2 man team, both working simaltaneously

Thrusters (95#)

9:50...This WOD was killer! 1st of all I was sooo hung over...stupid! And 2nd of all, that combo of movements really sucks! lol. Went ok though, it actually made me feel like shit, but then I ate a few almonds and it cured my hang over!

CrossFit Level 1 Cert. Manchester UK Day 1

CrossFit Level 1 Cert. Manchester UK Day 2

Nicole and !

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The calm before the STORM!

After a few days off traveling back to Sicily from Germany, it was business as usual! I decide to go on my new friend's (Thomi, CFVB) word and do the WOD on the Va. beach site. Annie!

Sunday Sept. 7th
Double Unders
Sit ups

This WOD was much more difficult for me then it should have been, only because I am not very good at DU. Actually I really suck at them! It took me about 6-7 mins (the time it took Thomi to finish) just to do the 1st 50 DUs! Well, after struggling through the entire WOD only counting true reps, I looked at me watch and it was a horrible 18:41! Guess I really need to work on my Double unders!

Monday Sept. 8th
12 Push Press (135#)
20 Box Jumps
5 Rnds for time

14:03...I can't tell, but I think my push presses are getting a little weaker. They were harder then I wished they would have been, and I had to break up every set. I also need to work on my technique in order to make the push presses go a little faster and smoother. Box jumps always suck, but they went well...Like this one, I was sore the day after.

Tuesday Sept. 9th
Back Squat

GOD, I have not done squats in forever! And I am paying for it. I'm really sore...

Wednesday Sept. 10th
9/11 Memorial 5K at a 10 min pace

I call this active recovery

Thursday Sept. 11th

Rest day


Today is the reason I ended up joining the NAVY. On September 11th, 2001 I woke up and was getting ready for college. I walk down the stairs and my mom was in the kitchen on the phone. I turned to look at the TV and there is was. The 1st attack on the Twin Towers! The building was smoking and they were speaking of the situation and the possibilities the were occurring. At this time, the "cause" was not known. After being fixated for a little while, I left, because I didn't want to be late for class. On my way in, I was listening to Howard Stern and he was covering the tragic event. About this time the 2nd plane struck the towers and they were going crazy. Screaming, "Oh my God, Oh my God, it's an attack, it has to be terrorists!" I arrived at school and rushed into the common area to catch the news, and put a vision to the horror I had been listening to.
As I reached to TV there were a ton of people sitting there crowded around gazing on in awe. Just as I ran up the 1st building started to come down! JEASUS! Are you serious I thought, what the hell! And then the 2nd...

We all know of the horrific and devastating events that followed. In the days, months, and years to come we would all wake up a little more leery. Wondering when the next "attack" was coming. I work up everyday wishing I could help, wishing there was something I could do. My best friend Eric and I even spoke of driving down to the city to help. Being only 4-5 hrs away we thought maybe, just maybe it would make a difference. More time past, I graduated, move, and was working, but I was hollow inside. After going about my business as usual attitude for the next 3 yrs I finally decided I had had enough. I decided to join the NAVY and "help" with the fight against terrorism and our freedom as a nation!

In joining the US Military I knew I didn't want to sit by in a idol position, I wanted to be in the middle of it. "Boots on the ground" as they say. After going through 3 yrs of various training, some good, some bad, with failures and successes, I can humbly say I have found my home. I am with an EOD unit that does anything and everything possible to make our country safe for us, our loved ones, and even the strangers we have never met to go about their lives however they may choose. We are on the front lines of an "epic battle" (if you will) of proportions and guidelines not even we understand. Day in a day out our brothers in the community are downrange, face to face with the terror that struck NYC 7 yrs ago on this day. I too, soon enough, will be there with them doing the deeds of our great nation so that those among us may go on (usually ignorant) with their lives.

I ask only, that if you read this, please, take a moment to morn those who have lost theirs lives. The innocent, and the soldiers that on this day and since, have died for this great nation...

Crossfit Level 1 cert in Machester England this weekend. The STORM is coming baby!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back from the DEAD Zone!

It has been awhile since I have posted, and I apologize. I was in Germany doing some training with the Army! Fun, fun! I did get to do a few workouts up there even though their gym really sucked, and they didn't even have a real pull up bar. I did a lot of workouts with my "kit" on. For those of you who don't know that is body armor. It weights about 30-40 lbs probably so it adds another dimension to any workout. This post will be a little long, I am just going to run down all of what I did up there.

Friday Aug. 22nd

100 Burpees w/full kit 10:16
50 Burpees w/ full kit 5:08

Saturday Aug. 23rd

Deads (225#)/KBS (50#)/Pull ups

3 Rnds 10-10-10

...then...Deads (135#) / Sit ups (incline) x 5

Monday Aug. 25th

Thrusters (65#) / Push ups / KTE
10x10x10 as many Rnds in 20 mins. 11 Rnds + 10 Thrusters

Tuesday Aug. 24th

Rest Day

Wednesday Aug. 27th

7.6 mile Trail run 1 hr 10 mins

Aug. 28-30

EOD Stuff (Rest Days?)

Sunday Aug. 31st

5 x 10 Handstand Push ups
...then...put on kit (1:30)

3 Rnds of 10 Burpees/ 25 Squats/ 10 Turkish Get ups (w/ about 10 lbs)


Sunday Sept. 1st

Rest day

Monday Sept. 2nd

3 x 50 Box Jumps/ 50 Squats/ 50 Walking Lunges w/ full kit

Sept. 3-6

Rest/ Travel Days