To be successful in any training program, there is a less tangible element that must be present, commonly called “heart” or “spirit.” This is what differentiates true warriors from posers. The Samurai called this element kokoro, loosely defined as “indomitable spirit,” or the refusal to accept defeat. It represents the inner warrior, forged through intense training under masterful instruction. (Exert from CFJ Dec. 07)
Well, as I said, I took Sunday off so I could hit it hard the rest of the week before heading back to Sicily on Saturday.
Monday July 28th
OverHead Squat
3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1
I'm not exactly sure what weight we used to work up to our 1 rep max, but it was somewhere between 95# and 155#. These strength days are so awesome. It really shows who believes in the Crossfit concept and who is still a little "fragile". Andy says these days are more important then met con days, and I'm starting to believe him. Anyway, after putting 185# on the bar and having 3 failed attempts... 1) not even getting over my head to start the motion, 2) then getting it up but not squatting all the way, and 3) finally getting all the way down and not being able to get back up...I finally grew a sack, got the weight up, and busted out a nice full OHS! Trying to balance 185# above your head while you are squatting below 90 and then trying to keep it balanced on the way up is rough! You don't believe me, try it!
I realized I had a long way to go when Andy said his PR was 255! And then mentioned he was shooting for 280 for this years PR! Holy Crap! I guess I still have a lot of training to do to get there....
Tuesday July 29th
Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of:
15 x Pull Ups
30 x Push Ups
45 x Squats
7 rnds + 1 Squat...I started with squats cause of the # of people there.
Can you say "Cindy on ROIDS!" 7 rnds is a far cry from my PR of 31 on "Cindy", but still very respectable. I put up the high # for the morning and that should stand for the day. Not that it matters if I score higher then everyone else, trust me, I have had my ass handed to me in plenty of WODs, but when competing against yourself, you are also "competing" against everyone else, so it's nice to be "top dog" every once in a while! I recommend this WOD to anyone who hates "Cindy". You will hate this one just as much, trust me!
631 total reps! You do the math! Here is the breakdown of the power output I had for this WOD. Pretty cool...
Work & Power Output Calculator
177.8 cm
70 in
83.92 kg
185 lb
Reps - 316
Travel, Body - 0.44 meters
Work, Body - 85169.21 joules
Total Work - 85169.21 joules
Reps - 105
Travel, Body - 0.57 meters
Work, Body - 45063.17 joules
Total Work - 45063.17 joules
Reps - 210
Travel, Body - 0.37 meters
Work, Body - 63061.83 joules
Total Work - 63061.83 joules
1200 seconds
Work Performed
193294.21 joules
19710.21 kg-m
142573.81 ft-lbs
Power Output
161.08 watts
0.22 horsepower
118.81 ft-lbs/sec
Andy posted this pick on the Crossfit Coronado site from last weeks WOD. Knees to Elbows Baby!!!
"Functional strength is the successful application of force along productive lines." Greg Glassman