10 Components of Complete Fitness

CrossFit workouts train your body in all 10 of these components of complete fitness:
Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance- The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen.
Stamina- The ability of the body to process, store, deliver, and utilize energy.
Strength- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force.
Flexibility- The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint.
Power- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time.
Speed- The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
Agility- The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another.
Coordination- The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
Balance- The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base.
Accuracy- The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New OHS PR! "I'm a fitness whore, I don't care how you feel, only about performance."

To be successful in any training program, there is a less tangible element that must be present, commonly called “heart” or “spirit.” This is what differentiates true warriors from posers. The Samurai called this element kokoro, loosely defined as “indomitable spirit,” or the refusal to accept defeat. It represents the inner warrior, forged through intense training under masterful instruction. (Exert from CFJ Dec. 07)

Well, as I said, I took Sunday off so I could hit it hard the rest of the week before heading back to Sicily on Saturday.

Monday July 28th


OverHead Squat

3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1

I'm not exactly sure what weight we used to work up to our 1 rep max, but it was somewhere between 95# and 155#. These strength days are so awesome. It really shows who believes in the Crossfit concept and who is still a little "fragile". Andy says these days are more important then met con days, and I'm starting to believe him. Anyway, after putting 185# on the bar and having 3 failed attempts... 1) not even getting over my head to start the motion, 2) then getting it up but not squatting all the way, and 3) finally getting all the way down and not being able to get back up...I finally grew a sack, got the weight up, and busted out a nice full OHS! Trying to balance 185# above your head while you are squatting below 90 and then trying to keep it balanced on the way up is rough! You don't believe me, try it!

I realized I had a long way to go when Andy said his PR was 255! And then mentioned he was shooting for 280 for this years PR! Holy Crap! I guess I still have a lot of training to do to get there....

Tuesday July 29th


Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of:

15 x Pull Ups
30 x Push Ups
45 x Squats

7 rnds + 1 Squat...I started with squats cause of the # of people there.

Can you say "Cindy on ROIDS!" 7 rnds is a far cry from my PR of 31 on "Cindy", but still very respectable. I put up the high # for the morning and that should stand for the day. Not that it matters if I score higher then everyone else, trust me, I have had my ass handed to me in plenty of WODs, but when competing against yourself, you are also "competing" against everyone else, so it's nice to be "top dog" every once in a while! I recommend this WOD to anyone who hates "Cindy". You will hate this one just as much, trust me!

631 total reps! You do the math! Here is the breakdown of the power output I had for this WOD. Pretty cool...

Work & Power Output Calculator
177.8 cm
70 in

83.92 kg
185 lb

Reps - 316
Travel, Body - 0.44 meters
Work, Body - 85169.21 joules
Total Work - 85169.21 joules

Reps - 105
Travel, Body - 0.57 meters
Work, Body - 45063.17 joules
Total Work - 45063.17 joules

Reps - 210
Travel, Body - 0.37 meters
Work, Body - 63061.83 joules
Total Work - 63061.83 joules

1200 seconds
Work Performed
193294.21 joules
19710.21 kg-m
142573.81 ft-lbs

Power Output
161.08 watts
0.22 horsepower
118.81 ft-lbs/sec

Andy posted this pick on the Crossfit Coronado site from last weeks WOD. Knees to Elbows Baby!!!

"Functional strength is the successful application of force along productive lines." Greg Glassman

Saturday, July 26, 2008

“Make pain your ally. The more familiar it becomes, the easier it is to manage.” ~Phil Emory~

Crossfit Coronado

Saturday July 26th

The "Free Saturday WOD" is usually ok, but caters more toward individuals new to the Crossfit concept. This morning was not really that different, except for the fact that Steve made it harder based on a tall blonde young women who got a little cocky in saying (when asked what her fitness level was) "Well, I play basketball at "such and such" college, so I'm in really good shape"! LOL, bad call! Even as she was answering I saw the look on Steve's face change, and then he said, " I have a "good" felling about the fitness level here, so the workout should be good." I knew right away this WOD was going to be harder then most! Not a killer WOD for people use to Crossfit, but for people not use to it...let's just say, blondie and her male friend didn't even finish! LOL, so much for being in great shape!

3 Rounds

30 Box jumps (varying heights scaled to fitness level) I used the highest box, around 30-36"
20 Jumping Pull ups ( I did regular kipping pulls)
30 Burpees (full jump w/overhead clap)
400m run

22:12...I made this WOD as hard as I could, even though it was hard to begin with! I was just going to work on technique for the 1st hour and then do a WOD with the members class at 11, but when I saw what Steve put up, I had to do it, and let me tell you it was worth it!

After this blistering leg workout (the combo of box jumps, burpees, and running sucks!) I was convinced the Steve reached his goal of making the "newbies" look like crap! It was actually kinda funny, they left without saying bye, but that's what you get for entering a Crossfit gym all cocky and underestimating this amazing fitness level! Afterward I stuck around to listen in a some kipping pull up teaching and did a quick deadlift workout.


226-236-250-226 (for the reps of 5)

Love deads! Hands and grip were shot after this, so it ws time to stretch and get the hell out of the gym before I puished myself more! But, not before I got a very quick (about 3 secs) lesson on the ring muscle up, and then did my first 1 ever! Steve said it was his fastest and easiest lesson ever! Made me very happy!

Probably do a rest day tomorrow, so I can hit up Coronado on Monday, but we will see how I feel....

Friday, July 25, 2008

Another week of falling, and killin Crossfit!

On Wednesday we started jumping in groups and getting "stacked" after we pulled and were under canopy. This is considered "Canopy Grouping". It is really pretty boring, but good practice at exiting the plane and getting in a "free" jump basically. We did 4 on Wed. (it was a really long fast paced day!) and 2 on Thursday. In out last jump the 5 of us nailed it pretty good. We were about 50 yrds apart on landing and landed in a 6-7 sec interval between the 1st guy hitting and the last guy hitting. It was one of the best in the whole class and the instructors were very pleased!

Today we went into "Ruck" jumping. This is basically a jump with a 40-50 lb pack between our legs. It is a little interesting getting stable with the extra weight, and the way you have to "fly" it to be under control. We did 2 jumps and it was a pretty easy day. I caught on quickly making it a good day! Weapon and O2 next week, then night jumps and graduation!

Crossfit Coronado

Wednesday July 23rd


Push Jerk

3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1

This was an interesting WOD. Once again, Andy came up with a strength movement I have never done before. He seems to love watching me struggle with the technique on these olympic lift movements! More so then watching me kill myself on a metabolic conditioning WOD. Anyway, the weight for the sets of 3 was not really important. They were basically technique and warm up for a 1 rep max. I think we did around 135-185 for those sets. I reped out at 200 lbs and missed 221 lbs 4 times! I was so pissed and very intimidated by the weight! I was more scary then jumping out of a plane at 13,000 feet believe it or not!

Thursday July 24th

Rest Day

Friday July 25th



40 x Turkish Get Ups Men 35#, Women 12.5#
10 x Knees To Elbows
10 x Turkish Get Ups
40 x Knees To Elbows
10 x Turkish Get Ups
10 x Knee To Elbows
40 x Turkish Get Ups

18:00...I finished with the fastest RXed time of the day at the gym, but Tusch did it in 25 something with 40#s and I'm sure I wouldn't have beaten that. Anyway, I love/hate TGUs! I started ding them consistantly about a month ago as a "cool down" exercise, doing somewhere around 2-3 sets of 10 with like 30-40 lbs. I'm glad I did, cause it really helps when WODs like this are thrown at you.

It is always good to be well rounded and even though you may have just killed the WOD for the day, work technique, or row, or go for a run afterward. Being "good" at everything and not "great" at just a few things is kinda what Crossfit is all about. The more exercises and techniques you work at the better you will get at the overall WODs! Don't get me wrong, if you can be "great" at everything, strive hard for that! but in the mean time, learn as much as you can, and work to be well rounded! This will help you be a monster in anything that can be thrown at you!

"Now, here, you must leave all distrust behind: Let all your cowardice die on the spot." ~Dante's Inferno~

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Free Fallin, like a ROCK!

I say like a rock, and not like a bird because when you are hurling toward the earth at terminal velocity (around 120 mph+) you definitely don't feel like a bird! I also say this because with the killer crossfit training I have been doing while here in San Diego, I am building a rock for a body! As always, it is a work in progress...there is always a faster time to post, one more rep to complete, and even more weight to lift or move faster across a distance. All of this solid training leads up to more lean muscle which tends to accelerate toward the earth faster! Here are my latest WODs which are helping me achieve this rock solid, super accelerating body!

Saturday July 19th
Party In The Park!
I joined Crossfit SoCal, who do their Weekend Warriors WOD in Mission Beach Park every saturday. I wasn't sure what I was in for, but I was informed thar there would be some hotties there, so I figured why not.

800m run
then: as many rnds in 20 mins of
25 KTE
50 Squats
100m Beck's Burpees (basically, a burpee with a broad jump instead of a vertical jump)

2 Full rnds and 25 KTE, and 30 Squats...I thought Prision Burpees were bad! Beck's are much worse and very time consuming! This WOD was not overly hard, but it was a slow process to go from squats to the Beck's really hit the hip flexors! If this was a full 3 rnd or 5 rnd WOD it would take like 40-50 mins and would really be a killer. Maybe next time! lol, not!

Sunday July 20th

Rest Day

Monday July 21st

WOD "Angie"

100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squat

For Time
Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next.
16:11...This was actually my first time doing Angie, therefore I didn't really know how to pace myself. Basically went as hard as I could and only rested when truly needed. I still the reps up into reasonable, workable sets and just tried to hit it hard! This is a great WOD if all you have is a pull up bar and not much room.

Tuesday July 22nd Back to Crossfit Coronado


15 x Burpee Box Jumps
1 x L Pull-up
13 x Burpee Box Jumps
3 x L Pull-ups
11 x Burpee Box Jumps
5 x L Pull-ups
9 x Burpee Box Jumps
7 x L Pull-ups
7 x Burpee Box Jumps
9 x L Pull-ups
5 x Burpee Box Jumps
11 x L Pull-ups
3 x Burpee Box Jumps
13 x L Pull-ups
1 x Burpee Box Jumps
15 x L Pull-ups

13:05...L Pull-ups Suck! Especially when you finish the WOD with the higher amount! The workout went very well though. I posted the 3rd fastest time at the gym behind Tusch (11:50ish) and Dutch (13:01...yeah, the same Dutch who finished 4th at the Games this year). Burpees Box Jumps are interesting. They are basically exactly how they sound. You do a burpee and then jump up onto a 24" box instead of just vertical. Make sure you get full hip extension at the top of the box. On the L Pull-ups, You should go chin above the bar and then full extension at the bottom. A reverse grip actually helps with the position better, but taxes your biceps much more. If a L Pull-up can't be done. Do a jump into the L and let yoursef down slow. If you can't get all the way to the L, do a jump and bring your knees to you chest and then let down slow! This slow negative will help you develop your back and biceps muscles enabling you to work toward the RXed L Pull-up!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

"Fran" PR Vid...finally...

This is a video of me in the Sigonella, Sicily gym, setting a PR on "Fran"...enjoy!

And hear is the the output & power breakdown of this WOD...check out the link, it's really cool!

177.8 cm
70 in

83.92 kg
185 lb

Reps - 45
Travel, Body - 0.49 meters
Work, Body - 13506.77 joules
Travel, Weight - 1.11 meters
Work, Weight - 21106.87 joules
Total Work - 34613.64 joules

Reps - 45
Travel, Body - 0.57 meters
Work, Body - 19312.79 joules
Total Work - 19312.79 joules

232 seconds
Work Performed
53926.43 joules
5498.88 kg-m
39776.13 ft-lbs

Power Output
232.44 watts
0.32 horsepower
171.44 ft-lbs/sec

Friday, July 18, 2008

From Free Fall to Fight Gone Bad...what a week!

This week was pretty amazing! I has a few firsts in my life. The coolest being jumping out of an airplane at 13,000 ft! Even though I have yet to exit the plane without being held on to, the rush is truly awesome. We have complete levels 1-4 of the AFF process. Level 4 is where we finally get to stabilize alone in free fall and do some 360s and pull without the instructor holding onto us. Rushing at the ground at around 120 mph goes by really fast! I recommend it to anyone searching for a great thrill. Even if you have to do it tandem. I wasn't really all that nervous, at little when you look at the ground on the way up, but as soon as I step to the door to jump out, there are no butterflies...nerves of steal baby! LOL. Or just so scared that it doesn't feel like it! Level 5 is monday where we have to try to do a backflip while in free fall. That should be interesting!

Crossfit Time...


Rest day

Tuesday July 15th Crossfit Coronado


4 Rounds for Time

400 Meter Run
15 x OHS Men 95#, Women 65#
9 x Thrusters Men 95#, Women 65#

15:03...This WOD was a smoker! But, as with everything we do, practice does pay off. I have been working on OHS technique for about a month now, and it showed in this WOD. While everyone else was struggling with form and weight, I managed to power through them, and transition into the Thrusters fairly easily. The run was actually the hardest part. I hate 400s, but the one thing I hate more is, 400s + anything else!

Wednesday July 16th Crossfit Coronado


Hang Power Snatch (WMV)

3, 3, 3, 1, 1

Squat Snatch (WMV)

2, 2, 2

I did not record weight for this workout. Mainly because I worked on technique and did more then the prescribed # of sets. Snatches in any way shape or form are such a dynamic movement. I believe at the end of HPS we were up around 115#s or a little higher, and then around 95# or so for the SS. I was actually really sore the next day after this WOD.

Thursday July 17th

Unscheduled Rest Day. We only had 1 plane at free fall so the jumps went till around 6 pm and by that time I was actually exhausted from sitting around all day...I'll get the next 3 days hard!

Friday July 19th Crossfit Coronado


"Fight Gone Bad"

Three rounds of:

Wall-ball, 20# Men 10# Women, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull, 75# Men 55# Women (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75# Men 55# Women (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

334 Reps Total...This was my 1st FGB and as the pics show, it was not easy! After my rest day yesterday I wanted to hit it as hard as I could...The whole group turned out to do every well. The high rep count from the morning was 333, so I put up 1 more rep then Jason to take the days high! I was pretty proud of that being my first Fight and all.

I can really feel my body accelerating to new levels everyday. I'm less sore, stronger, faster, and my ability to utilize O2 is higher then every! I firmly believe that this is due to diet, not drinking, and following Crossfit as close as possible. I'm to the point where every WOD I do I believe I can set a new PR!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Keep pushing till you die, then rise again and push harder!

So, Friday I completed Static Line jump school here in Cali at TAO in Otay Mesa. A much better, more relaxed, more professionally run place then Ft. Benning! And I didn't have to be up at 3 am on jump days! After finishing up we took a few class pics, chatted a little and then it was off to Crossfit Coronado for me!

Friday July 11th

Warmup: Stretch, SDHP technique

WOD: "Amanda"

3 Rounds for Time:

21, 15, 9

Sumo Deadlift High Pull Men 75#, Women 55#
Knees To Elbows

This workout is structured just like "Fran", 21 of each, 15 of each, 9 of each and then start at 21 again.

15:04...Myself and an Ensign for the SQT SEAL class we are jumping with did the last 9 KTE together to finish at the same time, besting the other great athletes in the class. This WOD really taxes the forearms and by the time you get around to the 3rd round your grip is pretty much shot! Not to mention when I woke up the next day my abs felt like I got hit repeatedly with a baseball bat! Love it!

Saturday July 12th

5 hrs Wind Tunnel practice for Free Fall School. No official WOD today, but I'm not counting it as a est day, since getting beat around and flexing/relaxing every muscle in my body for 5 hrs is not considered rest to me...

Sunday July 13th

Warmup: 2x 500m row, 3 rnds 5 Pull ups/10 Push ups/15 Squats


3 Rnds for time: 21-15-9

Over Head Squat (75#)
Kettlebell Swing (55#)

Performed by doing 21 OHS, 15 KBS, 9 Burpees x3 rnds...

8:45...Wanted to hit something quick, and have been working on OHS technique. This was a good workout. It really stresses the legs and abs. Next time, I'll probably do it like 21 OHS, 21 KBS, 21 Burpees, 15 OHS and so on for 3 rnds, making it a much longer much harder WOD...no off to the beach!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Living Life Southern Cali Style!

Quick note on training...Ran 6 miles on Tuesday, and then took Wed. and Thursday off! Now the explaination...

Or the excuse if you will...I'm too tired, I jumped out of a plane at 1500 ft 3 times today and hit the ground so hard I think I broke my ass! Blah, Blah, freakin Blah! Actually, we got back late from jumping and I am a little sore and we have to jump tomorrow, so I took an extra day off. Sometimes it's better to read your body and understand that you might need an extra dat here or there to recover. I could have worked out, but my ass and legs are a little beat up, so and extra day will be good. I will hit it extra hard tomorrow I promise! I might even stop by Crossfit Coronado for the 5 pm WOD. And those guys love to punish me! I think its cause they are SEALs and I'm just and EOD Tech! lol...

I have to say, as violent as the landings are in static line jumping, and even though you jump at a "low" altitude...there is just a great rush in jumping out of a plane and falling toward the earth! I can't wait to start Free Fall next week, when we will be jumping from more like 12000-15000 feet and hurtling to the earth at terminal velocity!!! I love my job!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Drunk, Fly, Cali, Jump! Recap...

Thursday's Cindy PR warrented a celebration! So, since it was a "holiday" (July 4th) the next day, we went out. Nick, Chappy, and I walked our happy (sore) ass across the street and proceeded to get hammered! Well, at least I did, I couldn't tell you what the other 2 did, but they definetly weren't sober. Needless to say, this lead to the 4th being a "rest day". I was the first time in about a month that I really drank, and now I know why my times and my physical transformation have been steadily getting better...Anyway, after that, Saturday the 5th was also a rest day because I spent more then 19 hours flying from Sicily to San Diego CA...now I remember why I hate traveling. 10 hours on a plane, for a single flight, on American (which is much less comfortable then Delta) is enough to make anyone fing crazy! God, all I wanted to do was sleep...so, landed safe and sound, rested and then it was back to training.

Business as usual...

Sunday July 6th

Warm up: 500m Row, 3 rnds 5 pull ups/10 push ups/15 squats

7 rnds for time

7 135# Push Press
7 225# Dead Lift
5 45# pull ups

12:30...I just made this one up on a whim. I wanted to go a little heavier, seems to be a kick I have been on lately. the 45# pull ups were much harder then expected and they are something I am going to do much more of. You sacrifice the intenisty of a kipping pull up, but what you lose you fully gain in the "this really fing sucks" category. Combine those with another grip excercise like deads and you have a great forearm workout without even trying! I like this one, look for it again, but with a sub 1o min time!!!

Monday July 7th

After spending all day at Sky Dive arizona in Otay Mesa CA, going through classroom and practical applications of static line jumping, I drove back to base and looked for a WOD. I felt like doing something with a little aerobic capacity building and got away from the weights for today...

Warm up: Stretch

For time:
Row 1000 meters
25 Burpees
Row 750 meters
50 Burpees
Row 500 meters
75 Burpees

23:08...All because of the burpees...This WOD sucks! I hate burpees! The row was actually a little bit of a rest. I paced right around 2 mins and little fast as they got slower, but the burpees were just horrible! Imagine a Murph still WOD with burpees instead of push ups? I'm going to think of a great sadistic one very soon. Beware! something like 800m run /50 weighted pulls/ 100 burpees/ 200 SDHP (with like 45#)/800 m run! This one sounds good, might tweak it a little though, that sounds way too rough right now! lol...WEll, rest time, then more static stuff tomorrow, then a beach run for the WOD tomorrow afternoon...Peace out from Cali!

PS...Just want to say congrats to the new Crossfit Games Champions Jason Khalipa (male) and Caity Matter (female). Check out the full results at http://games.crossfit.com

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Better is Better then Your Better!!!

Cindy PR!!

WOD recap...

Tuesday July 1

Tabata Mash Up

Deadlift Men 155#, Women 75#
Jumping Pull Ups (for everyone)

This workout is only 8 minutes....how hard can it be? 20 seconds of Max Deadlift, 10 seconds of rest to move to the Pull Up bars, 20 seconds of Max Pull Ups, 10 seconds of rest to move to the Deadlift. Repeated until each exercise has been completed for eight rounds of 20 seconds.

DL: 11/9/8/9/8/6/7/9 = 67
JPU: 10/9/8/8/8/6/7/8 = 62

Total reps: 129

Cool Down:
Over-Head Squat 45# 3x10
1000m Row 4:15
500m Row 1:54
500m Row 2:10

This Tabata WOD will rock you if you aren't ready for it! Great workout.

Wednesday July 2

Rest Day

Thursday July 3


NEW PR! 31 Rounds + 5 pull ups...

I have been steadily hitting it hard 3 on 1 off, not really following the HQ site, but rolling through WODs like mad, and even creating some of my own, and it is really paying off! I also have really cut back on drinking, not cut it out, but really cut back. All of my workouts have been improving and I have been setting new PRs left and right. This "Cindy" PR is really one of my favorites because it is right up there with the top of the Crossfitters around the world! I'm not sure what the record is, but I know Dutch has done 32 and he is a F-ing monster! My "Fran" PR is good, but till I get to 2:30 or less I'm not boasting anything... I love "Cindy". It look so easy on paper, and literally will floor you at the end!

One more WOD tomorrow, and then off to Cali on sat. so that will be a day off. I plan on trying to get to Crossfit Coronado as much as possible while I'm out there, and I'm sure Andy and Steve will love to hand me my ass...lol.