After a few days off traveling back to Sicily from Germany, it was business as usual! I decide to go on my new friend's (Thomi, CFVB) word and do the WOD on the Va. beach site. Annie!
Sunday Sept. 7th
Double Unders
Sit ups
This WOD was much more difficult for me then it should have been, only because I am not very good at DU. Actually I really suck at them! It took me about 6-7 mins (the time it took Thomi to finish) just to do the 1st 50 DUs! Well, after struggling through the entire WOD only counting true reps, I looked at me watch and it was a horrible 18:41! Guess I really need to work on my Double unders!
Monday Sept. 8th
12 Push Press (135#)
20 Box Jumps
5 Rnds for time
14:03...I can't tell, but I think my push presses are getting a little weaker. They were harder then I wished they would have been, and I had to break up every set. I also need to work on my technique in order to make the push presses go a little faster and smoother. Box jumps always suck, but they went well...Like this one, I was sore the day after.
Tuesday Sept. 9th
Back Squat
GOD, I have not done squats in forever! And I am paying for it. I'm really sore...
Wednesday Sept. 10th
9/11 Memorial 5K at a 10 min pace
I call this active recovery
Thursday Sept. 11th
Rest day
Today is the reason I ended up joining the NAVY. On September 11th, 2001 I woke up and was getting ready for college. I walk down the stairs and my mom was in the kitchen on the phone. I turned to look at the TV and there is was. The 1st attack on the Twin Towers! The building was smoking and they were speaking of the situation and the possibilities the were occurring. At this time, the "cause" was not known. After being fixated for a little while, I left, because I didn't want to be late for class. On my way in, I was listening to Howard Stern and he was covering the tragic event. About this time the 2nd plane struck the towers and they were going crazy. Screaming, "Oh my God, Oh my God, it's an attack, it has to be terrorists!" I arrived at school and rushed into the common area to catch the news, and put a vision to the horror I had been listening to.
As I reached to TV there were a ton of people sitting there crowded around gazing on in awe. Just as I ran up the 1st building started to come down! JEASUS! Are you serious I thought, what the hell! And then the 2nd...
We all know of the horrific and devastating events that followed. In the days, months, and years to come we would all wake up a little more leery. Wondering when the next "attack" was coming. I work up everyday wishing I could help, wishing there was something I could do. My best friend Eric and I even spoke of driving down to the city to help. Being only 4-5 hrs away we thought maybe, just maybe it would make a difference. More time past, I graduated, move, and was working, but I was hollow inside. After going about my business as usual attitude for the next 3 yrs I finally decided I had had enough. I decided to join the NAVY and "help" with the fight against terrorism and our freedom as a nation!
In joining the US Military I knew I didn't want to sit by in a idol position, I wanted to be in the middle of it. "Boots on the ground" as they say. After going through 3 yrs of various training, some good, some bad, with failures and successes, I can humbly say I have found my home. I am with an EOD unit that does anything and everything possible to make our country safe for us, our loved ones, and even the strangers we have never met to go about their lives however they may choose. We are on the front lines of an "epic battle" (if you will) of proportions and guidelines not even we understand. Day in a day out our brothers in the community are downrange, face to face with the terror that struck NYC 7 yrs ago on this day. I too, soon enough, will be there with them doing the deeds of our great nation so that those among us may go on (usually ignorant) with their lives.
I ask only, that if you read this, please, take a moment to morn those who have lost theirs lives. The innocent, and the soldiers that on this day and since, have died for this great nation...
Crossfit Level 1 cert in Machester England this weekend. The STORM is coming baby!