10 Components of Complete Fitness

CrossFit workouts train your body in all 10 of these components of complete fitness:
Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance- The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen.
Stamina- The ability of the body to process, store, deliver, and utilize energy.
Strength- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force.
Flexibility- The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint.
Power- The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time.
Speed- The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
Agility- The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another.
Coordination- The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
Balance- The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base.
Accuracy- The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.


Monday, December 29, 2008

CrossFit is a battle...

Αγίου Μιχαήλ ο Αρχάγγελος, μας υπερασπιστούν στη μάχη...

(Saint Michael, Archangel, protect us in battle...)

Tues Dec 23rd
Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups


This WOD is a very hard one! 72# KB Swings are no joke!! Pretty good time though...OPT definitely got me, I think he was around 35 mins...soon...

Wed Dec 24th
5-250...4 re-rack then 1

Felt strong, seeing that 275 is my 1 rep PR, 5 at 250 makes me happy...I need to be above 300!!!

Thurs Dec 25th
Christmas...Rest Day

Fri Dec 26th
Diabetic Coma, Xmas dinner recovery day...Rest Day

Sat Dec 27th
Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

8 Full

This WOD was a grip killer....I was still sorta recovering from eating every sugar filled sweet in site 2 days earlier, and I could tell. Next time I do this one I'm shooting for 11! OPT did 14!! He is a machine!

Sun Dec 28th
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups


Subbed treadmill for running outside in the ran. Did regular back extensions and incline sit ups with feet anchored. PRd by 28 seconds, but last time was done on a track. Back extensions and sit ups where done the same.

Mon Dec 29th
1-185 (miss)

Push Press:

Push Jerk:
3-195 Didn't get last 2 reps...

Felt really good on this WOD. Much stronger then normal. Little shy of my 1 rep PR on Press (185). My previous 1 rep PR on Push Press is like 195, so 3 at 190 is awesome! And my previous 1 rep PR on Push Jerk is 200, so 3 at 195 is awesome too! I will be over 200 in PP very soon, and I hope to be over 225 in PJ also!

Monday, December 22, 2008

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the Gift."

Sat. Dec. 20th

4 Rnds 800m Run (rest as needed between)

1) 3:20
2) 4:14
3) 3:17
4) 3:15

Did this in a very hot (stuff) indoor gym on the treadmill. Incline of 2 and a ave top speed of 9.5...Treadmill took about 20 secs to get up to speed. Still a pretty good WOD...

Sun. Dec. 21st

26 full + 10 pull ups

Not me best effort, but pretty solid...elbow tendonosis acted up again and slowed me down a little. It's better but not healed I guess.

Mon. Dec. 22nd
Rest Day

Friday, December 19, 2008

"An athlete diminished by excessive aerobic training is slow and weak. At CrossFit we call that state, 'spun-down.'"

Some aerobic, some anaerobic, and all Intensity!!!
Don't use excessive aerobic conditioning to get fit! It does not work! Why do almost all Officers in the Military always say "Let's go for a jog/run" when you ask them what they want to do for a workout? LOL, too funny, I say let's do some dead lifts and OHS at a lighter weight and high intensity, and then we will see what your aerobic capacity is. If you can still walk sir, then lets go for a run...

Mon. Dec. 15th
Rest Day

Tues. Dec. 16th

#1 5 Rnds
400m Run
25 Burpees
250m Row
1 min Rest between Rnds
1) 4:15
2) 4:27
3) 4:47
4) 4:53
5) 4:41

#2 Split Jerk

1-195 (miss)
1-210 PR

Wed. Dec 17th (1 month till my B-day! 31)
AMRnds in 20 min
400m Run
15 L Pull ups
15 Hip Extensions

6 Full+ 200m

Thur, Dec. 18th
Rest Day (unscheduled)

Fri. Dec. 19th
Filthy 50

20:50!! PR

PRd by about 6 or 8 mins, can't remember, but either way, it was a big jump!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Heeling the elbows...killing the legs!!

After my little run in with some elbow tendonosis the last few weeks I decided to take the advice of the marvelous minds of the internet world and rest my arms a little...what follows is the 3 day leg WODs I have done to rest my elbows and kill my legs!!!

Fri. Dec. 12th




Sat. Dec. 13th
3 Rnds
15 Deads (225#)
30 Back Ex.


Sun. Dec. 14th


My legs are shot!!! I'm glad tomorrow is rest day...I felt a little weak in all of these WODs. Not really sure why...my squats are down, but I'd say my form is better, deeper at least...my max OHS is 185# and I know I can't get that right now...I'm going to do more power movements, and strength training movements...even the 225# deads felt heavy. That's just not right! I need to be squatting 300#, OHS 200#, Deading 450#+ and then these other movements will be "easier" if you will.

There is no reason, and no excuses why I shouldn't be around these weights for maxs, and my Fran should be below 3 mins, and Helen below 8 mins etc etc...This is something I am really going to try to work on while I have the time. In the very near future time is not something i will have the luxury to be blessed with for working out...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fighting through the pain!!!!

Since last Friday I have had some serious elbow pain in both elbow joins. I have done a little research and it looks like and "over use" injury and is elbow tendonosis. Not tendonitis. It is easily fixable, by taking up to 3 weeks off! LOL, yeah right! So here is what have done instead...

Sun. Dec. 7th
Rest Day due to elbow pain

Mon. Dec. 8th

As Many Rnds in 20 mins of

15 Pull ups
15 Ring Push ups
15 Back extentions
15 GHSUs

7 full + 5 Ring push ups

Tues Dec. 9th

Sit ups

9:47...Much better then the last time I did this WOD when I did it in 18:41!!! WOW, cut off 9 mins! Practicing DUs makes this much easier!!!

Wed. Dec. 10th

Clean and Press
1-190 PR
1-195 miss
1-195 miss

Form was not great, but I had really bad pain in my elbows, it was hard to use my arms at all. I am happy with this PR, but I really should be able to do over 200#. Practice makes perfect!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Parkour ROCKS!!!

"Simply awesome trailer for an upcoming documentary, MY PLAYGROUND by Kaspar Astrup Schröder, featuring the Danish performance freeruners Team JiYo. It is a film about movement, tricking, freerunning and parkour engaging fully BIG’s recent project the Mountain Dwellings as backdrop. The Mountain Dwellings were recently awarded the Best Housing Project in the World at the World Architecture Festival in Barcelona. (via Coudal)"

This video is simply amazing, not just for the ability of human movement, but for the backdrop that it is expressed in. Can't wait to see this moving when it comes out!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The "Catch Up" Post

Halloween Mash Up!

"Be impressed by intensity, not volume."

This is going to be a quick run down of my WODs from Oct 30th through the present...

Thurs. Oct 30th
"Linda" aka 3 Bars of Death...
Dead Lift 265
Bench Press 175
Clean 135

Fri. Oct 31st
3 Rnds
25 Wall Ball
30 Pull Ups
Time: NA

Sat Nov. 1st
Tabata Mash Up CrossFit Va. Beach
Push Jerk (95#)
Double Unders

Wed. Nov. 5th
100 Kit Burpees
100 Squats
Time: NA

Tues. Nov. 11th
5 Rnds
20 1 arm KB Swings (35#)
20 Double Unders
20 Burpees

Wed. Nov. 12th
As many Rnds in 20 mins
10 DB Thrusters (30#)
10 1 arm KB Cleans (35#)
20 Tire Flips (~150#)
7 Rnds

Fri. Nov. 14th
WOD CrossFit Va. Beach
45 mins Snatch work (65#)
75# 4:39

Sat. Nov. 15th
WOD CrossFit Va. Beach
"Fight Gone Bad"

Wed. Nov. 19th
WOD Rota, Spain
100 Burpees
100 Squats
100 Box Jumps
100 Lunges
Time: NA

Thurs. Nov. 20th
WOD Rota, Spain
~1.5 Mile Run
Time: NA

Back to the Unit
Mon. Nov. 24th

Three rounds for time of:
21 Knees to elbows
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell swing, 21 reps
21 Push-ups
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents (Subbed 15 Towel Pull Ups)
20 inch Box jump, 21 reps
21 Back extension
Walking lunge, 150 ft

Tues. Nov. 25th
Row 1000m
21 Thrusters (85#)
15 Pull Ups
6:14...2 min rest

Row 750m
18 Thrusters
12 Pull Ups
5:06...2 min rest

Row 500m
15 Thrusters
9 Pull Ups

Wed. Nov. 26th
As many Rnds in 30 mins
21 1.5 BW Squat Cleans (270#)
15 BW Dead Lift (180#)
9 Pull Ups
7 Rnds

Sat. Nov. 29th
3 Rnds
21 Push Press (95#)
15 SDHP (95#)
9 Box Jumps
Time: NA

Sun. Nov. 30th

Mon. Dec. 1st
Shoulder Press
1-180 Miss x2

Tues. Dec. 2nd
Rest Day

Wed. Dec. 3rd
3:27 PR

Thurs. Dec. 4th
Rest DAy

Fri. Dec. 5th
PT Test

4 count Flutter Kicks in 2 mins 73
1 min rest...
Push Ups in 1 min 64
1 min rest...
Sit Ups in 1 min 75
1 min rest...
20' Rope Climb w/20# vest PASS
1 min rest...
Dips 30
1 min rest...
Pull Ups 17 (Dead Hang)
1 min rest...
Bench Press (BW minus 30#=155) 14
1 min rest...
80m shuttle run, stacking 3 blocks 18 secs
5 min rest...
5 mile run 41:05 (ran as a group till last mile)
2 mins rest...
100m Swim (Full uniform and boots) PASS

Sat. Dec. 6th
Rest Day

"Endurance, stamina, strength, and flexibility are developed through training, and these adaptations manifest as measurable changes in the body. Coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy are developed through practice and these adaptations come about through changes in the nervous system. Power and speed have equal requirements for training and practice."

I started Zoning the week of Thanksgiving. Bad week to start, but I did pretty well with the exception of Thanksgiving day. As of Dec. 1st I started actually measuring everything that I eat. True Zone.

I am going with Nicole Carols recommended 16 Blocks. I started that 1st week at 2x fat and was starving and felt tired, so I went to 5x fat after that. That feels pretty good. I get a little hungry every now and then, but not too bad. I have done 1 day at 9x fat just to see how it feels. I think that might have been a little much. I have a feeling I'm going to be happy somewhere between 6-8x fat. Only time will tell. I did PR again on FRAN even though it was only 1 sec. but I was a week after getting back from not really being able to train. I felt weak and my lungs burned that whole week, but I really think the diet kicked in and I stated feeling better and stronger after about a week. FRAN didn't really feel any easier (guess it never does) but it felt smoother, and I had much more in the reserve tank after completion. I recovered much faster. If you have not tried Zoning...try it...now!

Seville, Spain

HSPU Seville, Spain


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I have really slacked off on posting, it has been forever. I will put up a bunch of WODs very soon, and I started zoning, so I will post some of that too.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Your Anger is Your Gift!"

I have begun to understand this quote from a very popular Rage Against the Machine song...Freedom. Anger is something that is given to certain individuals that when harnessed in the right way, can lead to immense power! I'm not talking about that type of anger that is harbored by criminals, killers, and the ignorant. I'm speaking of the type of anger it takes to bust out a killer workout, or force yourself to do one more rep, or work at a higher intensity.

I have never puked from a workout...never. In doing CrossFit, that may be hard to believe, but I speak the truth. I have become exhausted, and light headed, and thought I was going to die, but never puked! I am harnessing an anger it will take to push myself to the extreme when it comes to each days WOD. I find that the intensity level is increasing and I can feel myself creating an atmosphere in my workouts that might lead to to finding Pukie! I'm not saying I will attain a level of fitness great enough to win the CrossFit Games or even place in the top 50, or 100, but I believe that by gathering this anger (passion) for training I can improve my fitness to a level far superior to where I have been in the past, or even where I am now!

Mon. Oct 27th

"L" Pull ups: 18-15-12-9-6-3
Turkish Get Ups (16k) 2-6-10-14-18-22

18:50...Done for time, but really more of a over-all strength type of WOD. Take your time and make sure your form is good, but explode into the movements and get the met con rolling! My buddy, not a CrossFitter, (he is training for a marathon) did it in 34 mins...what's that tell you about cario? He is bigger then me, and can probably ran farther, but as for strength to met con ratio...no match!!!

Tues. Oct 28th

Hopper Deck: 7 of Spades:
Row 1000m then...

Front Squat (135)
Back Ext.

11:25...The row was just under 4 mins, like 3:55 or so. I had to break the squats up 10-11 first set 10-5 second set. My legs were shot from earlier this week, but I powered through and it was a good WOD. After that I did

5 sets of 5
Squat Clean tech (95#)

3 sets of 5
Muscle up tech (little bounce to help head through, rest of movement unassisted)

Wed. Oct. 29th

Rest Day (possible sort run for command PT)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

"I felt like destroying something beautiful!" Fight Club

Sat. Oct 18th

Back Squat


Felt good, but I should be stronger I think...Not sure what's up with the whole squat thing, but I need (must be) be over 300 soon. That is my goal, and I will reach it!!!

Sun. Oct. 19th
Rest Day

On Monday myself and the PLT I am with departed really really early to go do some camping and training for the week. I brought some kettlebells and a couple dumb bells with me so that I could train while i was there. Unfortunately I only got in 2 workout due to rain and long days. They are as follows...

Tues. Oct 21st

50 x 1.5 pood KB SDHP
40 x 1 pood KB Swing
30 x 8kg 1 arm KB clean and press
20 x 25# DB Burpees
10 x 15# DB Thrusters

Thurs. Oct 23rd

3 Rnds

1.5 pood KB Swing
25# Squat Clean Thrusters
15 # Burpee

After getting back to civilization I ended up taking Friday and Saturday off. Not really by choice, but kinda. Anyway, I made up for it today. I drank on Friday night and had to get the "poison" out of my body after recovering on Sat...

Sun. Oct. 26th

30 x 135# Clean and Jerk

3:50...This is actually the first time I can say I have done this WOD. It has "scared" me in the past. More of a form thing then a weight thing. I have been working on my Oly lifts and was in an unusually bad mood, so this was the perfect warm up WOD! I think I did very well. On a good day, sub-3:30 is definitely possible. I followed it up with this....

WOD #2


OHS (75#)

15:15...Killer WOD, loved it! Hit this one hard but pace yourself slightly since it tapers off, finish twice as hard as you started!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

"The cost of regular extended aerobic training is decreased speed, power, and strength."

The quote I chose for the title of this set of blogs is a great description of Navy PT and why it doesn't work!

Tues. Oct. 14th

5 Rnds
OHS x 15 (95#)
400m Run

14:08...This was basically a PR for me since I had never really done it before. I compared my times to others online adn I was pretty happy with it. If I was a faster runner this time could be more like 12 mins. I did not break up any sets of the OHS doing all 5 rnds of 15 straight through, even though my legs were killing me from Mons. WOD.

Wed Oct. 15th
Rest Day

Navy PT, 3 mile run

Thurs. Oct 16th

3 Rnds
Box Jumps x 50 (24")
SDHP x 21 (135#)

14:08...Sound firmiliar? It was the same time as the "Nancy" WOD! Weird. This one was difficult. It was a met con type WOD but with heavy weight for the SDHP make them go a little bit slower and really taxing the legs so the Box Jumps were harder.

Fri Oct. 17th

3 Rnds
400m Run
21 x KB Swings (1.5 pood)
12 Pull Ups

8:50...This is a huge PR for me down from 9:15! And this was after doing the GAY Navy PRT. 100 pushup in 2 mins (although they made me stop after 1:15), 100 sit ups in 2 mins (although they made me stop at 100 and I had like 30 secs left), and a 1.5 mile run in 9:37, which is down from an average of around 10:15 or so.

Basically I used the PRT for my warm up to Kill "Helen"!

I have noticed a HUGE increase in work capacity, recovery, and overall stamina since modifying my diet. Basically I read the book Enter the Zone, and modified it (not measuring everything) into a Paleo type diet high in protein, fat, and low in carbs and sugar. I will admit I do eat zone bars and an occasional snickers which are not good, but I have a chocolate craving that I need to fulfill. I also love cappuccinos, so as far as cutting out all dairy...not going to happen! All in all though my total carb and sugar intake are way way down, and I feel amazing!

If you want to improve your performance, you must improve your diet! Basically, STOP eating like an american!!!!

Check out Nick and I sporting a little CrossFit attitude at the Teatro Greco in Taormina!!!

Nick in the Discobolos pose, and me in the Zeus pose..

Monday, October 13, 2008

Be Intense & Transform yourself!

Sorry I have not posted in awhile, I have totally been slaking off. I did create a video for my new "FRAN" PR the other day, so that will be at the end of this posting. I have to cover a lot of ground, from Oct. 4th-13th so bear with me. Here it goes, enjoy...

Sat. Oct. 4th
3 Rnds for time:

50 Double Unders
75 Squats

18:58...My nemisis! Double Unders! God, I hate them sooo much I love them! Anyway, did this one at home in the back yard with 2 really crappy jump ropes. I say 2, cause about 1/4 of the way through the first one was broken. Well, I actually broke it by throwing it against a wall1 I was a little mad at it. Actually got it on tape too, it's pretty funny. So, neddless to say I am still working hard on them and hopefully will be a lot better before I go to CrossFit Va Beach, cause Thomi is going to make me do them so she can make fun of me and beat me in a WOD!

Sun. Oct 5th
Rest Day

Mon. Oct 6th

400m Run
21 DL (225#)
42 Pull Ups

400m Run
15 DL
30 PU

400m Run
9 DL
18 PU

400m Run

19:26...This WOD was a killer! I really need to do more 400m sprints! I'll work on that.

Tues. Oct. 7th
Rest Day (Needed to stick with my schedule)

Wed. Oct. 8th
5 Rnds

20 Turkish Get Ups (35#)
21 Knees to Elbows
21 KB Swings (1.5 pood)

29:21...Great GOD TGU suck! This WOD was interesting cause the TGUs kinda go slow but get really hard, and just makes the rest miserable!

Thurs. Oct. 9th
Dead Lift
Missed 385 x 2

Everyone has a bad day, this was mine! But mentally it made me a stronger person, which like Andy Stumpf says is why we do heavy days! Sometimes you need more of a mental workout then a physical one...Killin this one next time! New PR of over 405!

Fri. Oct 10th
Thrusters (95#)
Pull Ups

3:28!...NEW PR baby! Killed this one...went down from 3:52. Like I said having a bad day only makes you stronger, boucing back to PR on this WOD proves that.

Sat. Oct. 11th
Rest Day

Sun. Oct. 12th

10 Rnds
100m Row
10 Double Unders
10 Ring Dips

17:55...This one really hurt! Jay finished 1:30 ahead of me and again my double unders suck! I also realized that my ring dips are not as good as they use to be. Something else to work on!

Mon. Oct. 13th
Happy Columbus Day!

5 Rnds
1 Tire Pull & Reset
(Pull truck tire toward you with climbing rope about 30ft, run back)
20 Squats (135#)
10 Burpees

18 and change...Wrote it down at work, I wasn't going for time per-say on this one, but I pushed through it hard. I did all sets unbroken including squats and that sucked! Took a little rest between sets to catch my breath. Did want to rush the squats though, did them for technique and power not speed.

Nancy tomorrow! Can't wait, OHS baby!

Friday, October 10, 2008


I will post the WODs I did this week probably tomorrow. Today I was suppose to do a row/double under/pull up WOD, but my boy Jay wanted to do FRAN! So...FRAN it was! and 2 PRs were set! I will post the video of mine soon. Unfortunately, he did not want his filmed! Although, after finishing in 4:54, about 2 mins or so faster then his PR I bet he is wishing it was on video now!

This is what I listened to while doing FRAN...thank you Andy Stump for introducing me to this song! Many a WOD in Coronado has been done to this very inspirational tune!!!

Another mission,
The powers have called me away.
Another time,
To carry the colors again.
My motivation,
An oath I've sworn to defend.
To win the honor,
Of coming back home again.
No explanation,
Will matter after we begin.
Another dark destroyer that's buried within,
My true vocation.
And now my unfortunate friend,
You will discover,
A war you're unable to win.

I'll have you know,
That I've become...

Determination that is incorruptible.
From the other side.
A terror to behold.
Annihilation will be unavoidable.
Every broken enemy will know,
That their opponent had to be invincible.
Take a last look around while you're alive,
I'm an indestructible master of war.

Another reason.
Another cause for me to fight.
Another fuse uncovered,
Now, for me to light.
My dedication,
To all that I've sworn to protect.
I carry out my orders,
Without a regret.
A declaration,
Embedded deep under my skin.
A permanent reminder,
Of how we began.
No hesitation,
When I am commanding the strike.
You need to know,
That you're in for the fight of your life.

You will be shown,
How I've become...

Determination that is incorruptible.
From the other side.
A terror to behold.
Annihilation will be unavoidable.
Every broken enemy will know,
That their opponent had to be invincible.
Take a last look around while you're alive,
I'm an indestructible master of war.



Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Why CrossFit? You can try this...

Watch this video...it is the new, high speed training sweeping the nation!
Who needs a constantly varied, functional, intense, multi-domain based training regimen when you can train like this!  (I tried to upload the vid, but it wouldn't work, so just use the link)


Aimee, you are a beast and a true testament to American fitness! Keep up the hard work!


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Killin WODs one day at a time...

Sun. Sept. 28th
Push Jerk
135-155-165-175-185 (missed)-185

I used this WOD to work on my form a lot. Even taped it and sent it out for some rigorous scrutiny from a trainer and friend. Works very well to tape workout and then take a look and see what you are doing wrong or right. I have started bringing my camera into work and taping myself and other and then reviewing it in real time and in slow motion. This has gotten very good feed back from the guys. They (and I) love that instant feedback of being able to watch yourself and correct the problems. I can see why a video camera is one of the gear items on the Garage Gym list! Awesome training tool.

Mon. Sept 29th
Rest Day

Work wise today was kinda cool. A group of us went out and did some HRST training (rappeling) off a tower near base. I had not done it in like 6 months, so leaping backwarks from a 60 ft tower with a little rope attached to you is fun!

Tues. Sept 30th

3 10 min Rnds with about 2 mins in between. Perform each excercise to MAX effort in the time frame as evenly as possible to keep in constant motion. Total workout equals 30 mins. Keep track of reps for each exercise and then add up for total.

1st 10 mins...Burpees/Box Jumps 80/85=165
2nd 10 mins...Pull ups/HSPU 90/70=160
3rd 10 mins...GHSU/Back Ext. 120/140=260

Total overall reps = 585

I invented this WOD, follow more of an unconventional design a la CrossFit Coronado. It was a good one. Sustaining max effort of a longer duration tends to work different aspects of fitness and is something I think CrossFitters may not do enough. WE are a very powerful and explosive group, and tend to bank on the shorter more intense WODs then anything over 20 mins. I will be designing more WODs similar to this that are timed out at 30-40 mins of sustained intense max effort...stay tuned.

Wed Oct. 1st
First of al, I had to actually run today cause the Command was doing a maditory PT run. I told them the only time I want to run is either when getting shot at or chased by a tiger! Not sure that worked though. Anyway, did a very, very light 3 miles for a warmup

3 Rnds for time
500m Row
21 KB Swings (1.5 pood)

9:31...I love rowing, so throwing this WOD together made me happy. It should be the primary Mono-structural movement for "cardio" in my belief. Total body, low impact, yet varying in intensity depending on what you are looking for.

Thus. Oct. 2nd

225# Dead Lifts

3:33...PR BABY!!!!! This was a huge day for me. I had been feeling good, but a little slow and weak. The last time I did Diane was about 3 months ago and I got a 5:23, and far cry from my previous PR at 4:12 about 8 months ago. I blew this WOD out of the water and felt awesome after! I finally think my modified Paleo diet is starting to pay off. Even they I am getting yelled at by other CrossFit trainer to go Zone and weigh and measure...I'm working on it...until then, just trying to cut out sugar (for the most part) and not eating pasta, bread, or a lot of other starchy foods has really paid off. I am leaner, stronger, and faster.

Fri. Oct 3rd
Rest Day

Some little work tidbits. WE got to jump this week also, which was very cool. I only did 2 jumps, bith on Wed. 1 from 10,000 ft and 1 from 13,000 ft. They were both group jumps out the back end of a C130, so I was locked together with 2 other guys, creating the "base" to the formation. Good times though. Sicily is really very beautiful from the sky

Video of Myself (QDZ) and Chip (HOUSE) PRing on "Diane"

"Performance is directly correlated with intensity. Intensity is directly correlated with discomfort."

Saturday, September 27, 2008

CrossFit Sicily?

Well, after a much needed rest day, I ended up going out a little too late and drinking a little too much, so Sunday Sept. 21st was used as a recovery day. I ended up moving everything back a day, which isn't too bad. The problem, which ended up being a blessing, came later in the week...

Mon. Sept. 22nd
"Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" (courtesy of CrossFit Coronado)

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

15 x Deadlift Men 95#, Women 65#
10 x Back Squat Men 95#, Women 65#
5 x Over Head Squat Men 95#, Women 65#

9 Full Rnds + 10 Squats...This WOD is a serious leg workout! One might look at it and think, 95# Deads and Back Squats are easy...yeah, they kinda are, till you throw in OHS and then do as many rnds as possible in 20 mins! Then this WOD definitely earns it's name! My legs were sore for at least 3 days after, and I think my thighs grew almost instantly! Do this one, and make your clients do it! It's awesome!

Tues. Sept. 23rd
12 Rnds
10 Pull ups
10 Push ups

10:12...This was pretty much a repeat WOD. Back in June I did 10 Rnds 12 pull ups and 12 push ups. Same amout of reps, little different setup. Anyway, I got a 16:54 in June...so, even though it was a slightly different equal WOD, I'd say a almost 7 min. swing is pretty impressive!! I'm happy with that..lol.

Wed. Sept. 24th and Thurs. Sept 25th
Rest Day?

This day turned into a disaster, seriously. I was going to do a WOD in the afternoon after work, but around 130 the Aquious Film Forming Foam System (fire sprinkler type) decided to set itself off and spray enough foam to fill the entire high bay more then once! It was crazy! We spent about 4 hours with brooms and squeegees pushing foam outside so that the damage would be minimal. All in all it took 3 days to clean up and everything in the high bay (there is a lot of stuff) had to be forklifted out and hosed down with fresh water and then moved back in.

This did however enable us to snag an area just for the setup of our CrossFit gym, and the unofficial beginnings of CrossFit Sicily at MU 8 have begun!

Fri. Sept 26th
4 Rnds
Thrusters x 15
SDHP x 15

10:59...Today was the unofficial 1st day in the new CrossFit gym area at the Unit. 4 of us tackled this WOD. 1 only got 3 rnds RXed, one got 3 rnds scaled to 65#s and the other finished, RXed in 13 mins.

I felt pretty good, well, not during, but after, I fe;t good about this time seeing how everyone else faired. The other RXed guy is about 270 and in pretty good shape, so beating him was good. Seeing as he killed me in FGB last week 390 to 309. And he also did Grace in 3:03. With a little bit of training I will transform him into a Big CrossFit Monster, literally and figuratively.

Sat. Sept 27th
Warm-up 1000m Row...Cool-down 500m Row

28 Rnds + 5 pulls...Bumped this one up from Mon. to today due to gym access. I felt ok, just didn't move as fast as normal. A little shy of my PR of 31 Rnds + 5 pulls, but still respectable. Mono-structural WOD tomorrow for strength. Push-presses.

MU 8 Workin hard!
CrossFit Sicily the Infancy.
Little KB work after the WOD

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Gotta Clean to get ready for the Fight!

I returned to Sicily on Monday and it was nicer then usual. It had actually rained so the temperature was a lot cooler! IT has been very nice.

Monday Sep. 15th
Rest Day (Traveled from UK to Italy)

Tues Sep. 16th

Rest Day (Actual)

Wed. Sep. 17th
5 miles run with the command.

44:59...This run really sucked! I hate running more then anything and have decided, unless you are getting chased by the cops, a tiger, or an alien lifeform, there is no need to run more then a 5K! All it does is ruin your knees, hips, and ankles, and sets you up for a failure! I totally recommend sprints, 5K's, and CrossFit WODs that have 400s or whatever in then as your form of "distance" training.

Thurs. Sep. 18th


This is not an exercise I am totally abreast in, but I have been working on my technique. I believe, and so do others, and it is one of the foundations for building great power and strength in an overall capacity! Along with Dead lifts and Snatches, these are the exercises that will make you a true beast in power output! Learn them, do them, use them, and always try to fine tuen them!

Nicole Carol Demonstrates Med Ball Cleans

Fri. Sep. 19th

"Fight Gone Bad"

Total Reps 309...I was really disappointed in this effort. I felt ok, but it is a far cry from the 334 I put up last time I did FGB. I think the way the exercises where setup was part of the issue. WB, Box Jump, Row, SDHP, PP. Not that it's an excuse, but afterward the 6 of us that did it realized we should have split up the pushing and pulling movements. All that said, this WOD is always a killer, and a great one to repeat every month or 2 in some form or variation. I challenge you to "invent" new FGB variations and see what you can come up with. Stay tuned for one that I came up with involving some of the oly lift movements and some pretty high weight!

Sat. Sep. 20th
Rest Day

Stand by for tomorrows WOD, it's one that Andy Stumpf did in Coronado, and I know it's going to hurt!

Nicole Carol demonstrating the Sumo Dead Lift High Pull! Awesome!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I met "Satan" at the Manchester Level 1 Cert!

Friday Sept. 12th
3 Rnds for time

500m Row
8 Pull ups

10:08...This one was made up on a whim. Good though. Rows really get to my legs, I feel the burn every time! HSPU and pull ups went easy. This one would have been better with 21 HSPU and 15 pull ups!

After the workout I hopped on a plane anf flew to Manchester, UK for a weekend of fun. CrossFit Level 1 certification, Gotta say, it was awesome! I was sooo surprised to see Coach Glassman there. He is an amazing human. I have a total passion for what he says, teaches and believes in! He brought along a great training crew from the states too. Todd (CrossFit Flathead), Jimmy (CrossFit Laguna Beach), Nicole (CrossFit Santa Cruz), and my buddy Andy (Crossfit Coronado).

The weekend started off with Coach speaking about What is CrossFit. Nicole spoke on squats, front squats, and over-head squats. Then we worked on our functional movements in these areas. Coach again came up to lead us on a journey of What is Fitness! Andy got pretty deep into presses, push presses, and push jerks followed again by functional movements workshop in these areas. Then came the WOD! All of the trainers were trying to scare us (succeeding by the way) with FRAN, but alas they had something else in store for us.

Saturday Sept. 13th
Teams of 3 working at the same time, but each member must finish his exercise before moving on the to next.

3 Rnds
200m Run
Air squats
KB Swings (62#)

11:32...all I have to say is 30 KB swings at 62#s is really heavy! x 3...lol...sucks!!!

After the WOD we all got together at the local pub for some beer, food, and great conversation. This turned into me, with the trainers in downtown Manchester getting absolutely wasted till 4am!!!

Day 2 started with Todd talking about dead lifts, sumo dead lift high pulls, and med ball cleans. Again followed by functional movement workshop. Then we had Q & A with Coach, Nutrition with Nicole, and Programming with Todd. Just before the programming we split up into groups and did stations for review on med ball cleans, presses, muscle ups, and kipping pull ups. Mixed into that was "Satan"! Lol, kinda an inside joke from one of the lectures, but anyway, Andy decided that we need to do a thruster burpee WOD!

Sunday Sept. 14th

2 man team, both working simaltaneously

Thrusters (95#)

9:50...This WOD was killer! 1st of all I was sooo hung over...stupid! And 2nd of all, that combo of movements really sucks! lol. Went ok though, it actually made me feel like shit, but then I ate a few almonds and it cured my hang over!

CrossFit Level 1 Cert. Manchester UK Day 1

CrossFit Level 1 Cert. Manchester UK Day 2

Nicole and !

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The calm before the STORM!

After a few days off traveling back to Sicily from Germany, it was business as usual! I decide to go on my new friend's (Thomi, CFVB) word and do the WOD on the Va. beach site. Annie!

Sunday Sept. 7th
Double Unders
Sit ups

This WOD was much more difficult for me then it should have been, only because I am not very good at DU. Actually I really suck at them! It took me about 6-7 mins (the time it took Thomi to finish) just to do the 1st 50 DUs! Well, after struggling through the entire WOD only counting true reps, I looked at me watch and it was a horrible 18:41! Guess I really need to work on my Double unders!

Monday Sept. 8th
12 Push Press (135#)
20 Box Jumps
5 Rnds for time

14:03...I can't tell, but I think my push presses are getting a little weaker. They were harder then I wished they would have been, and I had to break up every set. I also need to work on my technique in order to make the push presses go a little faster and smoother. Box jumps always suck, but they went well...Like this one, I was sore the day after.

Tuesday Sept. 9th
Back Squat

GOD, I have not done squats in forever! And I am paying for it. I'm really sore...

Wednesday Sept. 10th
9/11 Memorial 5K at a 10 min pace

I call this active recovery

Thursday Sept. 11th

Rest day


Today is the reason I ended up joining the NAVY. On September 11th, 2001 I woke up and was getting ready for college. I walk down the stairs and my mom was in the kitchen on the phone. I turned to look at the TV and there is was. The 1st attack on the Twin Towers! The building was smoking and they were speaking of the situation and the possibilities the were occurring. At this time, the "cause" was not known. After being fixated for a little while, I left, because I didn't want to be late for class. On my way in, I was listening to Howard Stern and he was covering the tragic event. About this time the 2nd plane struck the towers and they were going crazy. Screaming, "Oh my God, Oh my God, it's an attack, it has to be terrorists!" I arrived at school and rushed into the common area to catch the news, and put a vision to the horror I had been listening to.
As I reached to TV there were a ton of people sitting there crowded around gazing on in awe. Just as I ran up the 1st building started to come down! JEASUS! Are you serious I thought, what the hell! And then the 2nd...

We all know of the horrific and devastating events that followed. In the days, months, and years to come we would all wake up a little more leery. Wondering when the next "attack" was coming. I work up everyday wishing I could help, wishing there was something I could do. My best friend Eric and I even spoke of driving down to the city to help. Being only 4-5 hrs away we thought maybe, just maybe it would make a difference. More time past, I graduated, move, and was working, but I was hollow inside. After going about my business as usual attitude for the next 3 yrs I finally decided I had had enough. I decided to join the NAVY and "help" with the fight against terrorism and our freedom as a nation!

In joining the US Military I knew I didn't want to sit by in a idol position, I wanted to be in the middle of it. "Boots on the ground" as they say. After going through 3 yrs of various training, some good, some bad, with failures and successes, I can humbly say I have found my home. I am with an EOD unit that does anything and everything possible to make our country safe for us, our loved ones, and even the strangers we have never met to go about their lives however they may choose. We are on the front lines of an "epic battle" (if you will) of proportions and guidelines not even we understand. Day in a day out our brothers in the community are downrange, face to face with the terror that struck NYC 7 yrs ago on this day. I too, soon enough, will be there with them doing the deeds of our great nation so that those among us may go on (usually ignorant) with their lives.

I ask only, that if you read this, please, take a moment to morn those who have lost theirs lives. The innocent, and the soldiers that on this day and since, have died for this great nation...

Crossfit Level 1 cert in Machester England this weekend. The STORM is coming baby!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back from the DEAD Zone!

It has been awhile since I have posted, and I apologize. I was in Germany doing some training with the Army! Fun, fun! I did get to do a few workouts up there even though their gym really sucked, and they didn't even have a real pull up bar. I did a lot of workouts with my "kit" on. For those of you who don't know that is body armor. It weights about 30-40 lbs probably so it adds another dimension to any workout. This post will be a little long, I am just going to run down all of what I did up there.

Friday Aug. 22nd

100 Burpees w/full kit 10:16
50 Burpees w/ full kit 5:08

Saturday Aug. 23rd

Deads (225#)/KBS (50#)/Pull ups

3 Rnds 10-10-10

...then...Deads (135#) / Sit ups (incline) x 5

Monday Aug. 25th

Thrusters (65#) / Push ups / KTE
10x10x10 as many Rnds in 20 mins. 11 Rnds + 10 Thrusters

Tuesday Aug. 24th

Rest Day

Wednesday Aug. 27th

7.6 mile Trail run 1 hr 10 mins

Aug. 28-30

EOD Stuff (Rest Days?)

Sunday Aug. 31st

5 x 10 Handstand Push ups
...then...put on kit (1:30)

3 Rnds of 10 Burpees/ 25 Squats/ 10 Turkish Get ups (w/ about 10 lbs)


Sunday Sept. 1st

Rest day

Monday Sept. 2nd

3 x 50 Box Jumps/ 50 Squats/ 50 Walking Lunges w/ full kit

Sept. 3-6

Rest/ Travel Days

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"Be impressed by intensity, not volume."

Crossfit WOD

Monday August 18th


1000 meter row
Thruster 45 lbs (50 reps)
Pull-ups (30 reps)

7:52...First time ever doing this WOD. 45# thrusters are much harder then one would think when you have to do 50 after a 1000m row! I did the row in 4:04, a little slow, but I always fear totally crapping out on whatever is after then row, so I try to pace myself.

Tuesday August 19th

25x Pull-up
50x Deadlift @ 135#
50x Push-up
50x Box Jump @ 24” box
50x Floor Wiper @ 135# (one-count)
50x KB Clean and Press @ 36# (KB must touch floor between reps)
25x Pull-up
300 reps total.

18:07...I don't even know if that is good, but it wasn't as "harsh" a WOD as I thought. FGB, Fran, or Cindy leave me more winded. Next time I'm going to go a little harder. KB clean and press were the slowest, but not hard...Good workout though.

Off to Germany tomorrow for some training for a few weeks. Not sure what the workout situation is going to look like there. There should be some PT, but Crossfit might be hard. Should get some great military training though. Although we are working with the Army, and that's never fun...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

If You Are Going To Beat Me...You Are Going To Have To Suffer!

Finished up the Tactical Electronics class this week. It was definitely cool but a little above my head for some of it. The last 2 days were sweet. We learned the very, very basics of bypassing car alarms, house alarms, and hot wiring older cars. LOL, watch out if you have and older vehicle, I might just move it on you! Just kidding, but I can see how alot of this stuff could come in handy in our line of work. Next week I'm off to Germany to play GI Joe with the army. It's going to be like a big camping trip with a bunch of retards! The training we get should be very good though. We are running just like it is the real thing, full up gear and weapons. I'm looking forward to it, it will be the 1st time I get to be all decked out like this is really my job. I hope to get a few pics, so we will see.

As for CrossFit, the last 3 days were good. I can tell I'm still not acclimated to the climate here. It's very hot, but not real humid, but I can tell my performance suffers slightly from it. It's kinda hard to tell since I have not really been going head-to-head with anyone, but in knowing how my body functions, I fell a little weaker and slower. Not really sure how true this is...

I'm trying to get to the CrossFit Level 1 Cert in Manchester England September 13-14th. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to go, since the command is trying to get another school or something for me, but I don't know what it is yet.

WOD's: "Performance is directly correlated with intensity. Intensity is directly correlated with discomfort."

Thursday August 14th

As many rounds as you can in 20 mins of:

10 OHS 70#
10 KB Swings 53#
7 Pull-ups

10 onds + 5 OHS...I had not done a 20 minute WOD in awhile so this one was fun. Well, not fun, OHS are never fun, but they are awesome! For all of you who only do back squats (cause you are a globo gymer and lift BIG weight! lol) you must get good at these. They are a total body workout: forearms, traps, tris, shoulders, traps, back, abs, and of course legs! You don't even know until you try them! Do it.

Friday August 15th

Warm-up: 500m Row

3 rounds for time of:

Push Press 155#
SDHP 90#
Double Unders

11:44...This WOD took me a lot longer then I though it would when I made it up. I reversed the order of the reps to play around a little, doing it as a met con workout, but with heavier weight. Working to concept (Friday's word of the day!) of moving more weight over a shorter time. Obviously this is the formula for more power. Power=force x distance / time. I think by incorporating these types of WOD's and more Oly Lifts into my regimen my power output must go up exponentially.

These section from Brendan G.'s Blog says a lot: We get really caught up in making our workouts go faster and faster to rate our progress. I love measuring our power output ( Force distance time) to rate the intensity of what we do but for some reason we seem to get stuck on only decreasing our time to keep moving forward. Training only by this method is a mistake. Its a mistake because all though yes our power increases with going faster there will come a time when we can no longer go any faster and the only way to keep pushing is to either increase the load and or the distance. Not to mention that by avoiding these we miss out on building more straight up raw strength, mobility, and athleticism.

I want to bring up that we need, as crossfit athletes, to sometimes let go of the get faster and faster with the exact same loads and ROM's attitude. We need to think about the importance of going heavier and running through even bigger ranges of motion. Yes intensity as a whole will increase your strength so yes getting faster at Fran will get you stronger as well as more conditioned but nothing will get you stronger than applying more load to your workouts. We are always trying to add more weight to our heavy lifting days but when it comes to our circuit and interval training we only seem to concern ourselves with how fast we go.

Saturday August 16th

5 rounds of:

KB Swings 35#

Perform sets as follows: 21/21/21-18/18/18...and so on...

6:15...Powered through this WOD with no stopping and no break in sets. Felt good. KTE are always a killer, everyone should do more of them! Fun met con type workout, will definetly do this one again in the future.

Sunday August 17th


Wait…I forgot. There is no REST in Combat. Please do NOT ever say again that the 35lb Kettlebell is heavy…

Given your fitness ability today, could you survive in Combat? (From www. teamcrossfitacademy.com)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Intensity, Drive, Pain, Pleasure! Welcome to the real GAMES!

This isn't the Olympics...CrossFit Games 2008...KILLIN IT!!!!!

Finally got the Net at home...

So, it's been a few days since my last post. I have been in a pretty cool electronics class at work. We have learned a few really cool things about circuits, some really boring math, and so new and cool ways to use kitchen timers! Next week I we be heading to Germany for a few weeks for some drills with a few teams. It should be fun, but we are going to be way off in the middle of no where and my nutrition is going to go to hell! i have a feeling I'm going to be eating MRE's for 2 weeks! That is really going to suck! I finally have been reading "Enter the Zone" and have figured out mu #'s for it, and have been "watching" what I eat. I have not given in to the "dark side" yet, but probably soon enough. It's not easy to measure out everything you eat, so it will really be a problem for me to totally go with this kinda of diet. I have seen results in my energy and some of my performance. I figure it can only get better.

Now on to my latest workouts.

Sunday August 10th

Garage Gym WOD at my house...

30 135# Hang Clean and Jerks

Kinda took my time with this one, but tried to go without very much rest. 13:08...worked more on technique rather then rushing through it. I'm going to work on creating a nice little Garage Gym out here. Looking into an Oly Lift set, and a few other things.

Monday August 11th

Row 1000 meters
85 pound Thruster, 21 reps
15 Pull-ups

Row 750 meters
85 pound Thruster, 18 reps
12 Pull-ups

Row 500 meters
85 pound Thruster, 15 reps
9 Pull-ups

Rest 2 minutes between each round. Time each round separately and post times to comments.

I kinda blew it on this by not keeping time of each round, but I went at a high intensity. I did have to break some of the sets up of thrusters, but not much. My row times were much slower then I would have liked, but for those of you who have done this WOD I'm sure you felt the same thing...

Tuesday August 12th

5 rounds for time of:
275 pound Deadlifts, 5 reps (185 pounds for women)
10 Burpees (with clap overhead while airborne)

Very disappointed with my turn out on this WOD, especially after looking back at the times from the Games. I did a 5:58, and I'm not sure why, but I know that time can go down drastically.

After the WOD I did:

3-3-3-3 Deads 315 #s

3 rnds 15 sec L-sits and 10 GHSU

Wednesday August 13th

Rest Day

Saturday, August 9, 2008

SWCC Out of Control!!

Back in Sicily!

So, I took Saturday-Tuesday off from Crossfit due to the travel back to Sicily and being kinda tired and getting into the swing of things at work.

Wednesday August 6th


5k run.

Deadlift 225 lbs
Handstand push-ups
21-15-9 reps, for time

My PR on the is 4:12, and I have not been doing deads very often, but I did this WOD in 4:53. A respectable time, but not a good time. I definitely want to break 4 mins, and I know I can do it. The deads were the hard part, the handstand pushups are easy. This time will go down once I start to do heavy deads again. No worries

Thursday August 7th

Run/Swim with the command in Aci Castello. We did around a 5k and then a 1500m swim in the Med. Did not keep time, but it was a pretty good pace and was a lot of fun. After we sat down at a little bar (cafe) and had a capo and chilled out.

Friday August 8th


30, 20, 10, 20, 30
Front Squat 115#

10, 20, 30, 20, 10
Push Ups

First Round looks like this:

30 x Front Squat
10 x Push Up

2nd Round:

20 of each, etc...

17:23...Never done front squats before, and I have to tell you, they are pretty rough! My legs and knees are very sore today, but nothing serious. Great workout, but I think I'll chill on the front squats for a bit. Not a WOD I would want to do all the time...

Saturday August 9th

Rest Day.

Went to Etnaland today. Sicily's version of a water park. it was pretty cool, small, but we had fun! it's really hot out here, so the water is nice! I got lots of sun and maybe got a little burnt. And I gotta say, there are much better looking women at the beach!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Graduated MFF then back to Sicily

Wednesday was a rather long day. We did 3 jumps, including 2 night jumps. The last one was pretty cool. the Marine Layer of cloud cover was rolling in, so we got to jump through the clouds. Thursdays jump was better though. For 1 it was the last jump we needed in order to graduate and 2 we did it right at sunset so it was still kinda light out. I got to see the sunset over San Diego from 10,000 ft fall toward the earth, and then watched it set under canopy at 4,000 ft. All in all it was an awesome school and a great time. Miss it already, and I just got into the Rome airport!

MFF Class Video..

SWCC kid, Out of Control Vid...coming soon...


Wednesday July 30th

Rest day

Thursday July 31st

5 x 400 Meter Run/Row

Rest 2 Minutes Between Each Round


Pick one of the below exercises and complete 100 Reps for time:

Ab Mat Situps
Hollow Rocks
Knees to Elbows

Slits for the run...120-120-117-117-118 and then KTE 7:09
This WOD was interesting. It was nice to have some rest in order to go balls out for each round. Oh yeah, and 100 KTE SUCK! My abs were really sore the next day. I also did a 500m row for warmup and cool down.

Friday August 1st


2 Man Teams

5 Rounds

50 x Wall Ball Men 20#, Women 10#
30 x Burpee
20 x Hand Stand Push Up

Only team member can work at a time, and each team member must do an equal share of the work.

Team WODs are cool. I did mine with Dave, and we worked hard, finishing in 24 mins flat. As Dave said, we would have done better but he was lacking on his handstand push ups. Oh well, I went hard and got a little extra rest so I could push harder the next round.

Saturday and Sunday Off. Traveling back to Sicily. I'm sure I'll be too tired on Monday, but we will see...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New OHS PR! "I'm a fitness whore, I don't care how you feel, only about performance."

To be successful in any training program, there is a less tangible element that must be present, commonly called “heart” or “spirit.” This is what differentiates true warriors from posers. The Samurai called this element kokoro, loosely defined as “indomitable spirit,” or the refusal to accept defeat. It represents the inner warrior, forged through intense training under masterful instruction. (Exert from CFJ Dec. 07)

Well, as I said, I took Sunday off so I could hit it hard the rest of the week before heading back to Sicily on Saturday.

Monday July 28th


OverHead Squat

3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1

I'm not exactly sure what weight we used to work up to our 1 rep max, but it was somewhere between 95# and 155#. These strength days are so awesome. It really shows who believes in the Crossfit concept and who is still a little "fragile". Andy says these days are more important then met con days, and I'm starting to believe him. Anyway, after putting 185# on the bar and having 3 failed attempts... 1) not even getting over my head to start the motion, 2) then getting it up but not squatting all the way, and 3) finally getting all the way down and not being able to get back up...I finally grew a sack, got the weight up, and busted out a nice full OHS! Trying to balance 185# above your head while you are squatting below 90 and then trying to keep it balanced on the way up is rough! You don't believe me, try it!

I realized I had a long way to go when Andy said his PR was 255! And then mentioned he was shooting for 280 for this years PR! Holy Crap! I guess I still have a lot of training to do to get there....

Tuesday July 29th


Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of:

15 x Pull Ups
30 x Push Ups
45 x Squats

7 rnds + 1 Squat...I started with squats cause of the # of people there.

Can you say "Cindy on ROIDS!" 7 rnds is a far cry from my PR of 31 on "Cindy", but still very respectable. I put up the high # for the morning and that should stand for the day. Not that it matters if I score higher then everyone else, trust me, I have had my ass handed to me in plenty of WODs, but when competing against yourself, you are also "competing" against everyone else, so it's nice to be "top dog" every once in a while! I recommend this WOD to anyone who hates "Cindy". You will hate this one just as much, trust me!

631 total reps! You do the math! Here is the breakdown of the power output I had for this WOD. Pretty cool...

Work & Power Output Calculator
177.8 cm
70 in

83.92 kg
185 lb

Reps - 316
Travel, Body - 0.44 meters
Work, Body - 85169.21 joules
Total Work - 85169.21 joules

Reps - 105
Travel, Body - 0.57 meters
Work, Body - 45063.17 joules
Total Work - 45063.17 joules

Reps - 210
Travel, Body - 0.37 meters
Work, Body - 63061.83 joules
Total Work - 63061.83 joules

1200 seconds
Work Performed
193294.21 joules
19710.21 kg-m
142573.81 ft-lbs

Power Output
161.08 watts
0.22 horsepower
118.81 ft-lbs/sec

Andy posted this pick on the Crossfit Coronado site from last weeks WOD. Knees to Elbows Baby!!!

"Functional strength is the successful application of force along productive lines." Greg Glassman

Saturday, July 26, 2008

“Make pain your ally. The more familiar it becomes, the easier it is to manage.” ~Phil Emory~

Crossfit Coronado

Saturday July 26th

The "Free Saturday WOD" is usually ok, but caters more toward individuals new to the Crossfit concept. This morning was not really that different, except for the fact that Steve made it harder based on a tall blonde young women who got a little cocky in saying (when asked what her fitness level was) "Well, I play basketball at "such and such" college, so I'm in really good shape"! LOL, bad call! Even as she was answering I saw the look on Steve's face change, and then he said, " I have a "good" felling about the fitness level here, so the workout should be good." I knew right away this WOD was going to be harder then most! Not a killer WOD for people use to Crossfit, but for people not use to it...let's just say, blondie and her male friend didn't even finish! LOL, so much for being in great shape!

3 Rounds

30 Box jumps (varying heights scaled to fitness level) I used the highest box, around 30-36"
20 Jumping Pull ups ( I did regular kipping pulls)
30 Burpees (full jump w/overhead clap)
400m run

22:12...I made this WOD as hard as I could, even though it was hard to begin with! I was just going to work on technique for the 1st hour and then do a WOD with the members class at 11, but when I saw what Steve put up, I had to do it, and let me tell you it was worth it!

After this blistering leg workout (the combo of box jumps, burpees, and running sucks!) I was convinced the Steve reached his goal of making the "newbies" look like crap! It was actually kinda funny, they left without saying bye, but that's what you get for entering a Crossfit gym all cocky and underestimating this amazing fitness level! Afterward I stuck around to listen in a some kipping pull up teaching and did a quick deadlift workout.


226-236-250-226 (for the reps of 5)

Love deads! Hands and grip were shot after this, so it ws time to stretch and get the hell out of the gym before I puished myself more! But, not before I got a very quick (about 3 secs) lesson on the ring muscle up, and then did my first 1 ever! Steve said it was his fastest and easiest lesson ever! Made me very happy!

Probably do a rest day tomorrow, so I can hit up Coronado on Monday, but we will see how I feel....

Friday, July 25, 2008

Another week of falling, and killin Crossfit!

On Wednesday we started jumping in groups and getting "stacked" after we pulled and were under canopy. This is considered "Canopy Grouping". It is really pretty boring, but good practice at exiting the plane and getting in a "free" jump basically. We did 4 on Wed. (it was a really long fast paced day!) and 2 on Thursday. In out last jump the 5 of us nailed it pretty good. We were about 50 yrds apart on landing and landed in a 6-7 sec interval between the 1st guy hitting and the last guy hitting. It was one of the best in the whole class and the instructors were very pleased!

Today we went into "Ruck" jumping. This is basically a jump with a 40-50 lb pack between our legs. It is a little interesting getting stable with the extra weight, and the way you have to "fly" it to be under control. We did 2 jumps and it was a pretty easy day. I caught on quickly making it a good day! Weapon and O2 next week, then night jumps and graduation!

Crossfit Coronado

Wednesday July 23rd


Push Jerk

3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1

This was an interesting WOD. Once again, Andy came up with a strength movement I have never done before. He seems to love watching me struggle with the technique on these olympic lift movements! More so then watching me kill myself on a metabolic conditioning WOD. Anyway, the weight for the sets of 3 was not really important. They were basically technique and warm up for a 1 rep max. I think we did around 135-185 for those sets. I reped out at 200 lbs and missed 221 lbs 4 times! I was so pissed and very intimidated by the weight! I was more scary then jumping out of a plane at 13,000 feet believe it or not!

Thursday July 24th

Rest Day

Friday July 25th



40 x Turkish Get Ups Men 35#, Women 12.5#
10 x Knees To Elbows
10 x Turkish Get Ups
40 x Knees To Elbows
10 x Turkish Get Ups
10 x Knee To Elbows
40 x Turkish Get Ups

18:00...I finished with the fastest RXed time of the day at the gym, but Tusch did it in 25 something with 40#s and I'm sure I wouldn't have beaten that. Anyway, I love/hate TGUs! I started ding them consistantly about a month ago as a "cool down" exercise, doing somewhere around 2-3 sets of 10 with like 30-40 lbs. I'm glad I did, cause it really helps when WODs like this are thrown at you.

It is always good to be well rounded and even though you may have just killed the WOD for the day, work technique, or row, or go for a run afterward. Being "good" at everything and not "great" at just a few things is kinda what Crossfit is all about. The more exercises and techniques you work at the better you will get at the overall WODs! Don't get me wrong, if you can be "great" at everything, strive hard for that! but in the mean time, learn as much as you can, and work to be well rounded! This will help you be a monster in anything that can be thrown at you!

"Now, here, you must leave all distrust behind: Let all your cowardice die on the spot." ~Dante's Inferno~

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Free Fallin, like a ROCK!

I say like a rock, and not like a bird because when you are hurling toward the earth at terminal velocity (around 120 mph+) you definitely don't feel like a bird! I also say this because with the killer crossfit training I have been doing while here in San Diego, I am building a rock for a body! As always, it is a work in progress...there is always a faster time to post, one more rep to complete, and even more weight to lift or move faster across a distance. All of this solid training leads up to more lean muscle which tends to accelerate toward the earth faster! Here are my latest WODs which are helping me achieve this rock solid, super accelerating body!

Saturday July 19th
Party In The Park!
I joined Crossfit SoCal, who do their Weekend Warriors WOD in Mission Beach Park every saturday. I wasn't sure what I was in for, but I was informed thar there would be some hotties there, so I figured why not.

800m run
then: as many rnds in 20 mins of
25 KTE
50 Squats
100m Beck's Burpees (basically, a burpee with a broad jump instead of a vertical jump)

2 Full rnds and 25 KTE, and 30 Squats...I thought Prision Burpees were bad! Beck's are much worse and very time consuming! This WOD was not overly hard, but it was a slow process to go from squats to the Beck's really hit the hip flexors! If this was a full 3 rnd or 5 rnd WOD it would take like 40-50 mins and would really be a killer. Maybe next time! lol, not!

Sunday July 20th

Rest Day

Monday July 21st

WOD "Angie"

100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squat

For Time
Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next.
16:11...This was actually my first time doing Angie, therefore I didn't really know how to pace myself. Basically went as hard as I could and only rested when truly needed. I still the reps up into reasonable, workable sets and just tried to hit it hard! This is a great WOD if all you have is a pull up bar and not much room.

Tuesday July 22nd Back to Crossfit Coronado


15 x Burpee Box Jumps
1 x L Pull-up
13 x Burpee Box Jumps
3 x L Pull-ups
11 x Burpee Box Jumps
5 x L Pull-ups
9 x Burpee Box Jumps
7 x L Pull-ups
7 x Burpee Box Jumps
9 x L Pull-ups
5 x Burpee Box Jumps
11 x L Pull-ups
3 x Burpee Box Jumps
13 x L Pull-ups
1 x Burpee Box Jumps
15 x L Pull-ups

13:05...L Pull-ups Suck! Especially when you finish the WOD with the higher amount! The workout went very well though. I posted the 3rd fastest time at the gym behind Tusch (11:50ish) and Dutch (13:01...yeah, the same Dutch who finished 4th at the Games this year). Burpees Box Jumps are interesting. They are basically exactly how they sound. You do a burpee and then jump up onto a 24" box instead of just vertical. Make sure you get full hip extension at the top of the box. On the L Pull-ups, You should go chin above the bar and then full extension at the bottom. A reverse grip actually helps with the position better, but taxes your biceps much more. If a L Pull-up can't be done. Do a jump into the L and let yoursef down slow. If you can't get all the way to the L, do a jump and bring your knees to you chest and then let down slow! This slow negative will help you develop your back and biceps muscles enabling you to work toward the RXed L Pull-up!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

"Fran" PR Vid...finally...

This is a video of me in the Sigonella, Sicily gym, setting a PR on "Fran"...enjoy!

And hear is the the output & power breakdown of this WOD...check out the link, it's really cool!

177.8 cm
70 in

83.92 kg
185 lb

Reps - 45
Travel, Body - 0.49 meters
Work, Body - 13506.77 joules
Travel, Weight - 1.11 meters
Work, Weight - 21106.87 joules
Total Work - 34613.64 joules

Reps - 45
Travel, Body - 0.57 meters
Work, Body - 19312.79 joules
Total Work - 19312.79 joules

232 seconds
Work Performed
53926.43 joules
5498.88 kg-m
39776.13 ft-lbs

Power Output
232.44 watts
0.32 horsepower
171.44 ft-lbs/sec

Friday, July 18, 2008

From Free Fall to Fight Gone Bad...what a week!

This week was pretty amazing! I has a few firsts in my life. The coolest being jumping out of an airplane at 13,000 ft! Even though I have yet to exit the plane without being held on to, the rush is truly awesome. We have complete levels 1-4 of the AFF process. Level 4 is where we finally get to stabilize alone in free fall and do some 360s and pull without the instructor holding onto us. Rushing at the ground at around 120 mph goes by really fast! I recommend it to anyone searching for a great thrill. Even if you have to do it tandem. I wasn't really all that nervous, at little when you look at the ground on the way up, but as soon as I step to the door to jump out, there are no butterflies...nerves of steal baby! LOL. Or just so scared that it doesn't feel like it! Level 5 is monday where we have to try to do a backflip while in free fall. That should be interesting!

Crossfit Time...


Rest day

Tuesday July 15th Crossfit Coronado


4 Rounds for Time

400 Meter Run
15 x OHS Men 95#, Women 65#
9 x Thrusters Men 95#, Women 65#

15:03...This WOD was a smoker! But, as with everything we do, practice does pay off. I have been working on OHS technique for about a month now, and it showed in this WOD. While everyone else was struggling with form and weight, I managed to power through them, and transition into the Thrusters fairly easily. The run was actually the hardest part. I hate 400s, but the one thing I hate more is, 400s + anything else!

Wednesday July 16th Crossfit Coronado


Hang Power Snatch (WMV)

3, 3, 3, 1, 1

Squat Snatch (WMV)

2, 2, 2

I did not record weight for this workout. Mainly because I worked on technique and did more then the prescribed # of sets. Snatches in any way shape or form are such a dynamic movement. I believe at the end of HPS we were up around 115#s or a little higher, and then around 95# or so for the SS. I was actually really sore the next day after this WOD.

Thursday July 17th

Unscheduled Rest Day. We only had 1 plane at free fall so the jumps went till around 6 pm and by that time I was actually exhausted from sitting around all day...I'll get the next 3 days hard!

Friday July 19th Crossfit Coronado


"Fight Gone Bad"

Three rounds of:

Wall-ball, 20# Men 10# Women, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull, 75# Men 55# Women (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75# Men 55# Women (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

334 Reps Total...This was my 1st FGB and as the pics show, it was not easy! After my rest day yesterday I wanted to hit it as hard as I could...The whole group turned out to do every well. The high rep count from the morning was 333, so I put up 1 more rep then Jason to take the days high! I was pretty proud of that being my first Fight and all.

I can really feel my body accelerating to new levels everyday. I'm less sore, stronger, faster, and my ability to utilize O2 is higher then every! I firmly believe that this is due to diet, not drinking, and following Crossfit as close as possible. I'm to the point where every WOD I do I believe I can set a new PR!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Keep pushing till you die, then rise again and push harder!

So, Friday I completed Static Line jump school here in Cali at TAO in Otay Mesa. A much better, more relaxed, more professionally run place then Ft. Benning! And I didn't have to be up at 3 am on jump days! After finishing up we took a few class pics, chatted a little and then it was off to Crossfit Coronado for me!

Friday July 11th

Warmup: Stretch, SDHP technique

WOD: "Amanda"

3 Rounds for Time:

21, 15, 9

Sumo Deadlift High Pull Men 75#, Women 55#
Knees To Elbows

This workout is structured just like "Fran", 21 of each, 15 of each, 9 of each and then start at 21 again.

15:04...Myself and an Ensign for the SQT SEAL class we are jumping with did the last 9 KTE together to finish at the same time, besting the other great athletes in the class. This WOD really taxes the forearms and by the time you get around to the 3rd round your grip is pretty much shot! Not to mention when I woke up the next day my abs felt like I got hit repeatedly with a baseball bat! Love it!

Saturday July 12th

5 hrs Wind Tunnel practice for Free Fall School. No official WOD today, but I'm not counting it as a est day, since getting beat around and flexing/relaxing every muscle in my body for 5 hrs is not considered rest to me...

Sunday July 13th

Warmup: 2x 500m row, 3 rnds 5 Pull ups/10 Push ups/15 Squats


3 Rnds for time: 21-15-9

Over Head Squat (75#)
Kettlebell Swing (55#)

Performed by doing 21 OHS, 15 KBS, 9 Burpees x3 rnds...

8:45...Wanted to hit something quick, and have been working on OHS technique. This was a good workout. It really stresses the legs and abs. Next time, I'll probably do it like 21 OHS, 21 KBS, 21 Burpees, 15 OHS and so on for 3 rnds, making it a much longer much harder WOD...no off to the beach!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Living Life Southern Cali Style!

Quick note on training...Ran 6 miles on Tuesday, and then took Wed. and Thursday off! Now the explaination...

Or the excuse if you will...I'm too tired, I jumped out of a plane at 1500 ft 3 times today and hit the ground so hard I think I broke my ass! Blah, Blah, freakin Blah! Actually, we got back late from jumping and I am a little sore and we have to jump tomorrow, so I took an extra day off. Sometimes it's better to read your body and understand that you might need an extra dat here or there to recover. I could have worked out, but my ass and legs are a little beat up, so and extra day will be good. I will hit it extra hard tomorrow I promise! I might even stop by Crossfit Coronado for the 5 pm WOD. And those guys love to punish me! I think its cause they are SEALs and I'm just and EOD Tech! lol...

I have to say, as violent as the landings are in static line jumping, and even though you jump at a "low" altitude...there is just a great rush in jumping out of a plane and falling toward the earth! I can't wait to start Free Fall next week, when we will be jumping from more like 12000-15000 feet and hurtling to the earth at terminal velocity!!! I love my job!!!